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9-902. Order approving clinical law student appearance. [For use with District Court Criminal Rule 5-110.1] STATE OF NEW MEXICO IN THE DISTRICT COURT __________________ JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. __________________________ STATE OF NEW MEXICO v. __________________________________________, Defendant ORDER APPROVING CLINICAL LAW STUDENT APPEARANCE __________________, a qualified supervising attorney participating in a clinical law program of the __________________ School of Law, which meets the requirements of Rule 5-110.1 NMRA of the Rules of Criminal Procedure for the District Courts has requested that __________________, a law student enrolled in a qualified clinical law program, be permitted to participate in this matter. It is hereby ordered that the above-named law student may participate in this case. ______________________________ Date ______________________________ District Judge USE NOTE If the clinical law student is enrolled in an out-of-state law school, the certificate of the dean of the law school must be filed with this order. See Rule 9-901. [Adopted, effective October 1, 1995.] American LegalNet, Inc.