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Community Property And Liabilities Schedule Form. This is a New Mexico form and can be use in Domestic Relations Statewide.
Tags: Community Property And Liabilities Schedule, 4A-214, New Mexico Statewide, Domestic Relations
4A-214. Community property and debts schedule. [For use with Rule 1-123 NMRA] STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF ___________________________ ___________________ JUDICIAL DISTRICT _________________________________________, Petitioner, v. _________________________________________, Respondent. SERVE THIS FORM ON THE OTHER PARTY. DO NOT FILE WITH THE COURT. COMMUNITY PROPERTY AND DEBTS SCHEDULE Neither party is required to submit a proposed distribution. Any stipulation regarding value or distribution should be indicated by an asterisk. ASSETS Value Petitioner Respondent Combined $_________ $_________ $_________ No. __________ 1. 2. Cash Financial institution accounts:1 a. _________ Account # _________ $_________ b. _________ Account # _________ $_________ c. _________ Account # _________ $_________ d. _________ Account # _________ $_________ Stocks, bonds and mutual funds: a. ____________ Sh.___________ $_________ b. ____________ Sh.___________ $_________ c. ____________ Sh.___________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ 3. $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ 4. Insurance policies: a. Company _________________ [Face amount $____________] Cash value $_________ $_________ $_________ Loan balance $ ________ $_________ $_________ $_________ American LegalNet, Inc. b. Company _______________ [Face amount $_________] Cash value $_________ $_________ $_________ Loan balance $________ $_________ $_________ $_________ 5. Real estate: a. ___________ Mortgage ($/mo) REC ($/mo) Cost of sale ($/%) b. ___________ Mortgage ($/mo) REC ($/mo) Cost of sale ($/%) $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $_________ $_________ $________ $_________ $_________ $________ 6. Vehicles: a. ___________ Lien ($/mo) b. ___________ Lien ($/mo) $________ $________ $________ $________ $_________ $_________ $________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $________ $________ 7. 8. Business assets Household furniture and goods Tax refunds IRA/Keogh/Annuity Retirement Retirement Other total assets $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ Petitioner: $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ Respondent: $________ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Total assets DEBTS 1. ____________ (Mo/Pmt) $(_____) Value: $________ American LegalNet, Inc. 2. 3. 4. 5. ____________ ____________ ____________ Tax Liability $(_____) $(_____) $(_____) $(_____) $(_____) $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ Total debts: ESTIMATED NET ASSETS: Equalization of Assets: EQUAL ASSETS: $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ I, _______________________, affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of New Mexico that I am the [ ] Petitioner (or) [ ] Respondent in the above-entitled cause, and I know and understand that the contents of this Schedule are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ________________________________________ Signature of party Date ________________________________________ Name (print) ________________________________________ Mailing address (print) ________________________________________ City, state, and zip code (print) ________________________________________ Telephone number USE NOTE 1. deposit. Include all checking, savings, and money market accounts and certificates of [Approved, effective November 1, 2000 until November 1, 2001; approved, effective November 1, 2001; 4A-131 recompiled and amended as 4A-214 by Supreme Court Order No. 13-8300-010, American LegalNet, Inc. effective for all pleadings and papers filed on or after May 31, 2013, in all cases pending or filed on or after May 31, 2013; as amended by Supreme Court Order No. 14-8300-011, effective for all pleadings and papers filed on or after December 31, 2014, in all cases filed or pending on or after December 31, 2014.] American LegalNet, Inc.