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4A-502. Motion for service by publication.STATE OF NEW MEXICOCOUNTY OF JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Petitioner(s)No. IN THE MATTER OF THE KINSHIP GUARDIANSHIP OF, (a) Child(ren), and concerning1, Respondent(s).MOTION FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION2Petitioner(s), (name(s) of Petitioner(s)), state(s) thatafter diligent inquiry and search efforts, Petitioner(s) have been unable to serve process on (name of Respondent), and the following diligent efforts were made tolocate and serve the Respondent with a summons and petition:(Check each method of service attempted and complete applicable blank spaces.)3 [ ]Personal service; [ ]Service at Respondent220s last known residential address by (name of person attempting service); [ ]Service by mail or courier service under Paragraph F of Rule 1-004 NMRA; [ ]Service at Respondent220s last known business address; [ ]Service at the address listed at the motor vehicle division for Respondent220sdriver220s license; [ ]Service at the address listed in the last telephone directory listing for the followingcity or county (list cities and counties): ;[ ]A search of the records of the following courts (list courts): ;[ ] Contacted the post office for the zip code of the last known address of Respondentand there was no forwarding address; [ ]Other (describe other attempts to locate and serve Respondent, including searchesusing the internet, Facebook, or other social media): ;WHEREFORE, Petitioner(s) ask(s) the Court to permit service upon Respondent bypublication of the attached Notice of Pendency of Action.4Submitted by, American LegalNet, Inc. SignaturePrinted NameAddressPhone numberVERIFICATIONI, , the Petitioner, affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of theState of New Mexico that I am the Petitioner in the above-entitled cause; that I have read themotion for service by publication; and that the contents of the motion are true and correct to thebest of my information and belief. Date: Signature of PetitionerUSE NOTE1.Enter the initials of each child listed in the Petition To Appoint KinshipGuardian(s).2.You need to try to find and serve the respondent(s) with the petition and otherdocuments you filed in the kinship guardianship case. If you are unable to find the respondent,you may want to consider service by publication in a newspaper. If there is more than onerespondent that you need to serve by publication (for example the mother and the father of thechild), you need to file one motion for each respondent. The information you provide abouttrying to locate the respondent in the motion is for each individual respondent. If the courtallows you to serve by publication, you may use only one Notice of Pendency of Action andinclude all of the respondents in the same document.3.Check all of the boxes that apply. You need to tell the court about all of theefforts you made to find and serve the respondent. Be prepared to show the court your efforts tosearch records to find the respondent, including, for example, a letter from the postmaster, anycourt docket printouts, or any returned mail.4.Complete and attach a Notice of Pendency of Action, Form 4A-503 NMRA.[Adopted by Supreme Court Order No. 16-8300-020, effective for all pleadings and papers filedon or after December 31, 2016.] American LegalNet, Inc.