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4-834. Motion for judgment and statement of noncompliance. [For use with Magistrate Court Rule 2-806 NMRA, Metropolitan Court Rule 3-806 NMRA] STATE OF NEW MEXICO [COUNTY OF ___________________] __________________ COURT __________________________________________, Plaintiff, v. __________________________________________, Defendant. No. _________ MOTION FOR JUDGMENT AND STATEMENT OF NONCOMPLIANCE I request that the court reopen this case and enter a judgment enforcing the terms of a Mediated Settlement Agreement. In support of this request, I state as follows: 1. [] The parties entered a Mediated Settlement Agreement, and a Stipulation of Dismissal After Mediated Settlement Agreement was filed on ___________________ (date). Plaintiff/Defendant has breached the terms of the Mediated Settlement Agreement. A copy of the Mediated Settlement Agreement was filed with the court on ___________________ (date); or A copy of the Mediated Settlement Agreement was not filed, but is attached. 2. [] 3. [] [] 4. (check all that apply) [] Under the terms of the Mediated Settlement Agreement, Plaintiff/Defendant agreed to pay $_____________. [] Under the terms of the Mediated Settlement Agreement, Plaintiff/Defendant agreed to the following: _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. (check all that apply) [] As of today's date, Plaintiff/Defendant has paid a total of $______________. [] As of today's date, Plaintiff/Defendant has done the following: __________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. 5. American LegalNet, Inc. 6. (check all that apply) [] Under the terms of the Mediated Settlement Agreement, Plaintiff/Defendant still owes a total of $_____________. [] Under the terms of the Mediated Settlement Agreement, Plaintiff/Defendant still needs to do the following: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. [] I request that the court reopen this case and enter judgment in the amount listed below and for any other relief that the court deems just and proper. $____________ $____________ $____________ $____________ $____________ $____________ 7. Payments remaining: Interest, costs, fees, and other amounts (if allowable): ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Total judgment requested: I affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of New Mexico that the forgoing is true and correct, on this _____ day of _______________, ____________. ____________________________ Signature ____________________________ Printed Name ____________________________ Address ____________________________ City, State, and Zip Code ____________________________ Phone STATEMENT OF SERVICE I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of New Mexico that I served a copy of this Motion and Statement on the following person(s) by certified mail, postage prepaid, on this ________ day of ________________, ___________: ____________________________ Name ____________________________ Address ____________________________ City, State, and Zip Code ____________________________ Name ____________________________ Address ____________________________ City, State, and Zip Code American LegalNet, Inc. ____________________________ Signature ____________________________ Printed Name [Adopted by Supreme Court Order No. 14-8300-012, effective for all cases filed or pending on or after December 31, 2014.] American LegalNet, Inc.