Order Setting Aside Judgment Order Or Writ Of Court
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Order Setting Aside Judgment Order Or Writ Of Court Form. This is a New Mexico form and can be use in Magistrate And Metro Court Statewide.
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Tags: Order Setting Aside Judgment Order Or Writ Of Court, 4-710, New Mexico Statewide, Magistrate And Metro Court
4-710[2-703, 3-704]STATE OF NEW MEXICOIN THE COURT COUNTYNo. , Plaintiffagainst, DefendantORDER SETTING ASIDE JUDGMENT, ORDEROR WRIT OF THIS COURTA motion having been made to set aside the (judgment) (an order )(writ ) entered in the above styled case on the day of, , upon the grounds that such (judgment) (order) (writ):[ ]was entered because of (a) (mistake) (inadvertence) (surprise) (excusable neglect)(fraud).[ ]is void because .(set forth the reason the judgment is void)The court having held a hearing finds that the motion was timely filed and there are goodgrounds to grant the relief requested.IT IS ORDERED that the above (judgment) (order) (writ) be set aside.[It is further ordered that ](set forth if other proceedings or trial is to be held)Dated:, Judge[Effective October 1, 1991.] American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com