Order To Interplead
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Order To Interplead Form. This is a New Mexico form and can be use in Magistrate And Metro Court Statewide.
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Tags: Order To Interplead, 4-308, New Mexico Statewide, Magistrate And Metro Court
4-308[2-301, 3-301]STATE OF NEW MEXICO COURTNo. COUNTY,Interpleaderagainst,Defendantand,DefendantORDER TO INTERPLEADThe interpleader having filed complaint herein,IT IS ORDERED that the court take into its trust account $which sum represents the total amount interpleader owes the above named defendants;IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the money paid into the court trust account shall beretained until further order of the court;IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the defendants and any other person who has orclaims an interest in or to said money in the custody of this court shall, and are directed to,interplead in this action within twenty (20) days from the date this order is served upon them;andIT IS FURTHER ORDERED that (name ofinterpleader) be and hereby is discharged from all liability to the defendants on account of (set forth relationship of interpleader todefendants)., (date) . Judge[Adopted, effective July 1, 1988; as amended, effective July 1, 1990.] American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com