Letters Testamentary (Will)
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Letters Testamentary (Will) Form. This is a New Mexico form and can be use in Probate Court Statewide.
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Tags: Letters Testamentary (Will), 4B-107, New Mexico Statewide, Probate Court
4B-307. Letters testamentary (will).[For use with Rule 1B-306 NMRA]STATE OF NEW MEXICOIN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTYIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OFNo. , DECEASED.LETTERS TESTAMENTARY(WILL)TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:Notice is now given that (name of personalrepresentative) has been appointed to serve as the personal representative of the estate of, and has qualified as the personal representative of the estate ofthe decedent by filing with the court a statement of acceptance of the duties of that office.The personal representative has all of the powers and authorities provided by law andspecifically, by Section 45-3-715 NMSA 1978. Issued this day of , .Clerk of the Probate Court By:Deputy Clerk(Seal)USE NOTESee NMSA 1978, Section 45-3-103 and NMSA 1978, Section 45-3-601 for issuance ofletters.[Approved, effective September 15, 2000; as amended by Supreme Court Order No.07-8300-005, effective March 1, 2007; 4B-107 recompiled and amended as 4B-307 by SupremeCourt Order No. 18-8300-014, effective for all cases pending or filed on or after December 31,2018.] American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com