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Change Of Floor Plan-Expansion Of Liquor Licensed Premise Application Form. This is a New Mexico form and can be use in Regulation And Licensing Department Statewide.
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Tags: Change Of Floor Plan-Expansion Of Liquor Licensed Premise Application, New Mexico Statewide, Regulation And Licensing Department
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department
T o n ey A na ya B uil d i n g ▪ 2 5 5 0 C er r il l o s R oa d ▪ S a nt a F e, N e w M ex i c o 8 7 5 0 5
(5 0 5 ) 4 7 6 -4 8 7 5 ▪ F a x ( 5 0 5) 4 7 6- 4 5 9 5 ▪ ww w.rl d. stat e. n m .u s / AG D
_____Fee $75.00 Fees are Non-Refundable
15 NMAC 10.3.2 13.1
A Licensee may not change or expand the licensed premises without prior written approval of the Director. Applications to change or
expand the licensed premises shall be submitted along with the required documentation and application fee. If the change or expansion
of the licensed premises is twenty-five (25%) or more of the total existing square footage of the licensed premises, the Director may
require the licensee to file an application for a transfer of location. Proof of tenancy and photographs with a detailed floor are
required for the expansion area. Please attach a copy of your existing approved floor plan along with an 8 ½ x 11detailed floor
plan that includes the existing approved premises and any proposed change or expansion. Please label all areas and include all
entrances, exits, walls or enclosures as well as dimensions for any expansion. The licensee cannot make any changes or expand
the premises until approval has been granted for this request. A before and after site inspection may be scheduled.
Liquor License Number_____________ Telephone Number __________________________ Fax Number _____________________
Business Name (DBA) _______________________________________Owner Name_________________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________City __________________________State ______ Zip_________
License Location __________________________________________ City___________________________ State______ Zip_________
Current square footage_______________________ Additional square footage you would like to add/change_______________________
Total square footage (add both amounts above) _______________ Reason for request_________________________________________
Will the proposed expansion bring the licensed premises within 300 feet of a church or school? _________________________________
Has there been any change in the ownership or operation of the licensee? ___________________________________________________
If so, explain___________________________________________________________________________________________________
I ____________________________________ (print name) Licensee for Liquor License No. ______ hereby attest that the requested
change meets the definition of “licensed premises” in NMSA 1978 60-3A-3 (M), which states in part “ ‘licensed premises’ means
the contiguous areas or areas connected by indoor passageways of a structure and the outside dining, recreation and lounge areas
of the structure that are under the direct control of the licensee…”
You must sign and date this form in the presence of a notary public
Submitted by (print name) _____________________________________________________________________________________
Signature _______________________________________________Title ____________________________Date _______________
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ___________ Day of ____________________ 20_______By ____________________________________________
Notary Public_______________________________________________________________ My Commission Expires: _______________________________________
LOCAL GOVERNING BODY APPROVAL – (Required on expansion requests only)
Print Name _______________________________________________________ Title _________________________________________Date ____________________
Signature _________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________ Fax ____________________________
Alcohol and Gaming Use Only:
By______________________________________________________________________________________ Date__________________________________________
Revision date: 03/2011
American LegalNet, Inc.