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New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department | Alcohol and Gaming Division PO Box 25101 Santa Fe, NM 87504-5101 (505) 476-4875 Fax (505) 476-4595 aming Rev. 7/16 PUBLIC CELEBRATION PERMIT APPLICATION: INSTRUCTIONS LICENSEE: Merely submitting an application does not constitute approval. If Licensee does not have the Approved Permit for the Event, than the sale, service and/or delivery of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. A complete application, w/required attachments must be received by AGD AT LEAST 10 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EVENT. All fees submitted are nonrefundable, even when Permit is issued and the Event is postponed and/or cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. ELIGIBILITY: Only New Mexico Licensees that hold a Craft Distiller, Small Brewer or Winegrower License may apply for a Public Celebration Permit (PCP). The Master Liquor License must not be in suspension or have pending citations. If the license holder will be serving alcoholic beverages from any place other than the approved and designated liquor licensed premises, a Permit is required. The local governing body of the local option district must grant approval for the issuance of the permit. The local governing body includes city council, county clerk, mayor, etc., and they must have authorized SUNDAYS SALES by the drink and the Holder of the Dispenser's License must have a Valid Sunday Sales Permit issued by the Alcohol & Gaming Division or must have a special concession issued from the local governing body pursuant to §606A-12(E) NMSA, 1978. THE EVENT may be held in any Local Option District. MUST NOT EXCEED 3 DAYS: three (3) day maximum, unless permission is granted by Division Director prior to the event. 12 HOURS PER DAY, MAXIMUM: Service of alcohol must not occur for more than 12 hours per day. ONLY EMPLOYEES of the Holder of the NM Craft Distiller, Small Brewer or Winegrower Liquor License with the PCP, THAT ARE CURRENTLY LICENSED SERVERS, MAY SELL, DISPENSE, OR SERVE THE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR THE EVENT. Reminder: No Sale to Minors or Intoxicated Persons; No Sale, Service or Consumption before or after the times listed on Permit; Licensee and Employees restricted from consuming alcoholic beverages at the Special Event; No more than 2 Unconsumed drinks may be in the possession of one person. Servers are not permitted to provide more than the legal amount. MUST NOT REMOVE BEER, WINE OR SPIRITS FROM AREA OF THE CELEBRATION: A wine grower, small brewer and/or craft distiller is authorized to dispense New Mexico produced alcohol as allowed by their license type, by the drink for consumption at the celebration. By-the-drink dispensed New Mexico produced products cannot be removed from the area of the event. The licensee is authorized to dispense the alcohol allowed by that license type in unbroken packages. The unbroken packages may be removed from the area of the celebration. MUST POST PUBLIC CELEBRATION PERMIT AT EVENT: After PCP is issued, Licensee is legally required to Post Permit along with Signage (i.e., pregnancy, firearms, minors, etc.) and it must be prominently posted at the locations where the alcohol will be dispensed, as indicated by the Approved Floor Plan for the Event. Permits are subject to the same requirements and restrictions contained in the Liquor Control Act and are subject to citation for any violation. - - APPLICATION PROCESS: A complete Application must be received by AGD at least 10 days prior to the Event. Application must be signed by the Licensee, before a Notary. Faxed Applications not accepted and incomplete applications will be returned. Licensee MUST obtain the Building/Property Owner's permission to allow Event serving Alcohol in their facility. The Following are also required and must be attached: A) FEES: $10 per day, Applicable daily fees must be submitted by business check, Money Order or Cashier's Check B) FLOOR PLAN: Detailed Floor Plan, include Pictures, designating restricted and unrestricted areas A Detailed Floor Plan (on 8 ½ x 11 sheet) must be submitted showing exactly where the event is to be held Total Square Footage for the proposed service area Must show the location of Bars, Security, Serving Areas, Entrances, Exits Enclosed or barricaded serving areas must also be clearly marked If there are any patios or outside areas, indicate how they are enclosed to prevent alcohol from leaving the premises; Describe type and height of Enclosure; Must be four (4) feet or higher Placement and Location of Security Personnel; If Security is deemed insufficient, the Director may require additional Security Personnel or may deny permit. The average is 1 security personnel per 100 people, but may be increased depending upon the type of event requested. C) LIST OF SERVERS: Accurate List of Servers at the Event, including the Full Name of Employee, Server Permit Number and Expiration Date American LegalNet, Inc. ALCOHOL & GAMING DIVISION | PUBLIC CELEBRATION PERMIT APPLICATION (§60-6A-11 / 60-6A-26.1 NMSA) FEE PER DAY: No. of Days: _________ (DO NOT SUBMIT CASH) Date Application Filed: ________________ A copy of all approved permits are sent to the Special Investigations Division of the Department of Public Safety, and DPS will request additional information, if needed. LICENSE HOLDER INFORMATION: Check boxes that apply $10.00, Liquor License # ____________________ Type of License: Craft Distiller Small Brewer Winegrower Business Name (DBA): ____________________________________________ Owner Name: ___________________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________ City, State & Zip: _____________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Fax No.:_________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________ EVENT INFORMATION: Date(s) /Duration of Event: _____________________ Description and Name of Event:_____________________________________________________________________________ Physical Address of Event:_________________________________________________________________________________ Wrist Bands and/or Stamps Type of Event: Indoor Event Only Outdoor Event Only Beer Garden All Ages Event/ Type of Celebration: State Fair County Fair Community Fiesta Cultural / Artistic Performance Athletic TIME: Event Begins at: ____________ Event Ends at: ____________ Total Number of Attendees Expected at Event: ______________ Alcohol Service Begins at: __________ Alcohol Service