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Expedited Lump Sum Hearings / Joint Request for Expedited 52-5-12(D) Hearing The New Mexico Workers222 Compensation Administration designates an on-call pro tempore judge to hear stipulated NMSA 24752-5-12(D) lump sum hearings every Tuesday morning (223Lump Sum Tuesday224). The process is strictly voluntary 226 parties always have the option to receive an assigned judge and request a setting before the assigned judge. Hearings are not held during the holiday weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year222s. Hearings will be held on a first come, first serve, and walk-in basis. Check in begins at 8:30 a.m. Only cases where all parties and interpreters are present or immediately available will be permitted to check in. Parties who check in after 9:30 a.m. will not be placed on the list to have their petition heard during Lump Sum Tuesday. The WCA does not accept calls to schedule appointments for Lump Sum Tuesday and there is no sign-up sheet. Video hearings will not be conducted. Telephonic hearings 226 where all parties appear by telephone 226 will not be conducted. To qualify for an expedited hearing to approve a 52-5-12(D) lump sum settlement, the parties shall fulfill the following requirements before their petition will be heard by the pro tempore judge: 1.File a signed Joint Petition for 24752-5-12(D) Lump Sum Payment with the WCA Clerk ofthe Court prior to the immediate Tuesday on which the parties want their petitionheard;2.Confirm that the WCA Clerk has reviewed the petition and certified that no liens areon file with the WCA;3.Complete and file a Joint Request for Expedited Section 24752-5-12(D) Hearingcertifying that all requirements have been met; and4.Have a proposed Order approving the 24752-5-12(D) Lump Sum Settlement forpresentation to the judge at the hearing. Joint Petitions for 52-5-12(D) and joint request for expedited setting not heard on the immediate Tuesday following filing will be administratively closed, and will need to be refiled prior to presenting the petition during the Lump Sum Tuesday process. Failure to follow these requirements will result in denial of an expedited lump sum hearing. The Lump Sum Tuesday hearing process has proven to be successful and popular. Any questions may be directed to Heather Jordan at (505) 841-6028. Rev. /19 American LegalNet, Inc. Rev. /19 NMAC STATE OF NEW MEXICO WORKERS222 COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION , WCA No.: Worker, v. , and , Employer/Insurer. JOINT REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED SECTION 52-5-12(D) HEARING The parties have entered an agreement for a lump sum payment under NMSA 24752-5-12(D) and agree as follows: 1.They request an expedited hearing with a pro tempore judge;2.A stipulated joint petition for NMSA 24752-5-12(D) Lump Sum Payment has beenexecuted and filed with the WCA Clerk; 3.The Petition was reviewed for liens by the WCA Clerk, and;4.A signed proposed Order approving the NMSA 24752-5-12(D) Lump Sum Payment willbe submitted at the hearing. 5.Is an interpreter needed for the hearing on this application? Yes NoIf yes, what language? (Employer will pay for cost of interpreter.) Worker/ Worker222s Representative Employer/Insurer Representative American LegalNet, Inc.