Notice Of Appeal
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Notice Of Appeal Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Appellate Division Appellate Courts.
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Tags: Notice Of Appeal, New York Appellate Courts, Appellate Division
___________________COURT, STATE OF NEW YORK
Notice of Appeal
[choose one]
[choose one]
Index No.:
[choose one]
[choose one]
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above named
the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York ___________
____________ Judicial Department, from [choose one]
rendered (in the
_______________________ Court, ___________________ County, in favor of the
[choose one]
and entered in the office of the County Clerk on ____________, 20__,
and from each and every part thereof.
specifically appealing the portion of the Judgment which _______________
Dated: _____________________
Yours, etc.,
Attorney for__________________
To: The Clerk ____________________________
(Attorneys for all parties to the appeal are listed on the next page.)
Notice of Appeal
Page 1
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