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Bill Of Costs Form. This is a New York form and can be use in General.
Tags: Bill Of Costs, New York General,
COURT COUNTY OF : : : Plaintiff(s) -against: : : : : Defendant(s) COSTS for: Proceedings before Note of Issue is filed ($200) - CPLR � 8201(1)..........................................................$ Proceedings after Note of Issue is filed and before trial ($200) - CPLR � 8201(2) ...................................$ Trial ($300) - CPLR � 8201(3)...................................................................................................................$ Inquest ($300) - CPLR � 8201(3)...............................................................................................................$ Assessment of damages ($300) - CPLR � 8201(3) ....................................................................................$ Additional allowances in real property actions - CPLR � 8302(a), (b), (d)................................................$ Motion (fixed by court, not exceeding $100) - CPLR � 8202....................................................................$ Appeal to Appellate Division ($250 unless court awards lesser amount) - CPLR � 8203 .........................$ Appeal from County Court to Appellate term - CPLR � 8203(a) ..............................................................$ Appeal to Court of Appeals ($500 unless court awards lesser amount) - CPLR � 8204............................$ Frivolous claims and counterclaims in actions for recover damages for personal injury, injury to property or wrongful death (awarded by court) - CPLR � 8303-a.................................$ * : Index No. COSTS OF SUBTOTAL FEES and DISBURSEMENTS for: $ Affidavits, oaths, acknowledgments, certification and exemplification - CPLR � 8009............................$ Index number of county clerks - CPLR � 8018..........................................................................................$ Filing note of issue/placing case on calendar - CPLR � 8020(a)................................................................$ Filing demand for jury trial - CPLR � 8020(c)...........................................................................................$ * Insert any other costs, fees or disbursements. American LegalNet, Inc. Stenographers - CPLR �� 8301 and 8002 .....................................................................................................$ Witnesses - CPLR �� 8301(a)(1) and 8001...................................................................................................$ Referees - CPLR � � 8301(a)(1) and 8003 ....................................................................................................$ Officers - CPLR � 8301(a)(1)........................................................................................................................$ Commissioners taking depositions (reasonable compensation) - CPLR � 8301(a)(2) ..................................$ Publication directed pursuant to law - CPLR � � 8301(a)(3) and 8007.........................................................$ Certified copy of a paper necessarily obtained for use on trial - CPLR � 8301(a)(4) ...................................$ Securing copies of opinions and charges of judges - CPLR � 8301(a)(5).....................................................$ Printing papers for a hearing (reasonable expenses) - CPLR � 8301(a)(6) ...................................................$ Entering and docketing the judgment (prospective charges) - CPLR �� 8301(a)(7) and 8016(a)(2) )..........$ Sheriff s fees for receiving and returning order of attachment - CPLR �� 801 1(a) and 8012......................$ Sheriff s fees for receiving and returning one execution - CPLR �� 8301(a)(8), and 8011 (b), (c) and (d), and 8012..........................................................................................................................................$ Taking and making two transcripts of testimony on an Examination Before Trial (not exceeding $250 in any one action) - CPLR � 8301(a)(9)..............................................................................................$ Searches made by title insurance companies - CPLR � 8301(a)(10).............................................................$ Searches made by abstract companies - CPLR � 8301(a)(10).......................................................................$ Searches made by searching companies - CPLR � 8301(a)(10)....................................................................$ Searches made by a public officer authorized to made official searches and certify to the same - CPLR � 8301(a)(10) .....................................................................................................................................$ Searches made by attorney for party to whom costs are awarded (not exceeding cost of similar official searches) - CPLR � 8301(a)(10) .....................................................................................................$ Securing an undertaking to stay enforcement of a judgment subsequently reversed (reasonable expenses actually incurred) - CPLR � 8301(a)(11) ........................................................................................$ Other (reasonable and necessary expenses according to course and practice of court, by express provision of law or by court order) - CPLR � 8301(a)(12) .............................................................................$ Postage - CPLR � 8301(a)(12) ......................................................................................................................$ Appeal to Court of Appeals (clerk's fees) - CPLR � 8301(a)(12).................................................................$ Motion (reasonable and necessary expenses awarded upon motion of party or upon court's own initiative) - CPLR � 8301 (b)...........................................................................................................................$ Party not awarded costs in an action or on appeal or in an action for a sum of money where party recovers at least $50 - CPLR � 8301(c).........................................................................................................$ Service performed, other than a search (reasonable sum actually and necessarily expended if it is usual charge made by private persons) - CPLR � 8301(d) .......................................................................$ Serving summons and complaint or summons with notice - CPLR �� 8301(d) and 8011(h)