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Notice Of Petition Non-Payment Form. This is a New York form and can be use in General.
Tags: Notice Of Petition Non-Payment, New York General,
DISTRICT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ________________ ______________ DISTRICT ________________________ Part ___________ ...................................................... : Petitioner (Landlord) -against : : Respondent(s) (Tenant[s]) : Address : : Respondent(s) : (Undertenant[s]) ...................................................... Index No.: ________________________ NOTICE OF PETITION NON-PAYMENT [22 NYCRR � 208.42(b)] Petitioner's Residence Address: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Petitioner's Business Address: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ To the respondent(s) above named and described, in possession of the premises hereinafter described or claiming possession thereof: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a hearing at which you must appear will be held at the District Court of the County of __________________ District _______________ Part _________ to be held at __________________________________________ __________ Town of _______________ County of _____________ on the _____ day of ____________, 20___, at _____________, on the annexed petition of _________________________________________ which prays for a final judgment of eviction awarding to the petitioner the possession of the premises designated and described as follows: The ______________________________ at ______________________________________________________________, County of ____________________, and further granting to the petitioner such other and further relief as is demanded in the petition, which you must answer. TAKE NOTICE also that demand is made in the petition herein for judgment against you, the respondent, for the sum of $___________________ with interest thereon from ________________, 20___. TAKE NOTICE that demand is also sought against John Does 1-10 for a judgment for your period of occupancy from ______________________ to ___________________and to date for the fair value of use and occupancy of the premises; TAKE NOTICE that your answer may set forth any defense or counterclaim you may have against the petitioner. (If this Notice of Petition is served at least 8 days prior to the return date) TAKE NOTICE also that your answer may be made at the time of hearing specified above unless this Notice of Petition is served upon you on or before the ______ day of ______________, 20___ in which event you must answer at least three (3) days before the petition is noticed to be heard, either orally before the clerk of the, court at his or her office or in writing by serving a copy thereof upon the undersigned attorney for the petitioner the petitioner, and by filing the original of such written answer with proof of service thereof in the office of the clerk at least three (3) days before the time the petition is noticed to be heard; in addition thereto, you must appear before the court at the time and place hereinabove set forth for the hearing. TAKE NOTICE also that if you shall fail at such time to interpose and establish any defense that you may have to the allegations of the petition, you may be precluded from asserting such defense or the claim on which it is based in any other proceeding or proceeding or action. TAKE NOTICE that your failure to appear and answer may result in final judgment by default for the petitioner in the amount demanded in the petition. Dated: County of _______________, the _______ day of _______________, 20 ___ ____________________________________________ Attorney(s) for Petitioner _____________________________________________ Clerk ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Office & Post Ofice Address, Telephone American LegalNet, Inc.