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Notice Of Petition Non-Payment (Civil Court) Form. This is a New York form and can be use in General.
Tags: Notice Of Petition Non-Payment (Civil Court), New York General,
COUNTY OF __________________ HOUSING PART_________
Petitioner(s) (Landlord)
Index No.:
Petitioner's Residence Address:
Respondent(s) (Tenant)
Petitioner's Business Address:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:
To the respondent(s) above named and described, in possession of the premises hereinafter described or claiming
possession thereof:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the annexed petition of
verified the
day of
, 20 , prays for a final judgment of eviction, awarding to the petitioner possession of premises described
as follows:
Apartment No.
, on the
floor, consisting of
rooms, in the premises known as and located
in the City of New York, as demanded in the petition.
County of
TAKE NOTICE also that demand is made in the petition for judgment against you for the sum of $
with interest thereon from
, 20
TAKE NOTICE also that within five (5) days after service of this Notice of Petition upon you, you must answer,
either orally before the Clerk of this Court at
City and State of
County of
* and by filing the
New York, or in writing by serving a copy hereof upon the undersigned
original or such answer, with proof of service thereof, in the Office of the Clerk. Your answer may set forth any defense or
counterclaim you may have against the petitioner. On receipt of your answer, the Clerk will fix and give notice of the date
for trial or hearing which will be held not less than three (3) nor more than eight (8) days thereafter, at which you must
appear. If, after the trial or hearing, judgment is rendered against you, the issuance of a warrant dispossessing you may, in
the discretion of the Court, be stayed for five (5) days from the date of such judgment.
TAKE NOTICE also that if you fail to interpose and establish any defense that you may have to the allegations of
the petition, you may be precluded from asserting such defense or the claim on which it is based in any other proceeding or
TAKE NOTICE also that in the event you fail to answer and appear, final judgment by default will be entered
against you but a warrant dispossessing you will not be issued until the tenth day following the date of the service of this
Notice of Petition upon you.
TAKE NOTICE that under Section 745 of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law, you may be required
by the Court to make a rent deposit, or a rent payment to the petitioner, upon your second request for an adjournment or if
the proceeding is not settled or a final determination has not been made by the Court within 30 days of the first court
appearance. Failure to make subsequent required deposits or payments may result in an immediate trial on the issues raised
in your answer.
Dated: County of ________________, the
_______ day of ___________, 20____
Attorney(s) for the Petitioner
Office and P.O. Address
Clerk of the Civil Court of the City of New York
* Insert "petitioner" or "attorney for the petitioner" or if the
petitioner is a corporation, "officer" or other title, as the case
may be.
Telephone No.:
American LegalNet, Inc.