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[Fill in the spaces next to the instructions. Attach copies of the indicateddocuments and mark them as exhibits. Sign your name in the presence of anotary public]SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKCOUNTY OF NASSAU----------------------------------------------------------------------------x[10. Index No. & Year] ,Index No. [11. Fill in name(s)] Plaintiff(s) / AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT-against-OF TEMPORARYRESTRAINING ORDER ,IN CIVIL ACTION[12. Fill in name(s)] Defendant(s)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------xSTATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: [13. Your name] , being duly sworn,deposes and says:1)I am the [14. Circle one] plaintiff/defendant, in this action. I make this affidavit insupport of my motion for an order [15. State what you want the Court222s Order toprovide/grant you include why you should be granted immediate relief pending thehearing of this motion by the Court. The above statement must also be includedin the Order to Show Cause or Notice of Motion.] American LegalNet, Inc. 2)I believe the Court should grant my motion because [16. Explain your reasons.Attach additional pages if necessary] 3)I request that the Court issue an Order temporarily restraining the plaintiff/defendantfrom [17. State the nature of the action or activity sought to be restrained.] for the reason(s) that[18. State the reasons- specifically why the order needs to be immediatelygranted.] 4)A prior application [19. Check that a prior application has been made only if youare seeking the same relief again] has or has not been made for the reliefrequested herein. If a prior application has been made then provide the followinginformation [20. What Court, when, who made the application, the result of theapplication, attach a copies of the application and explain why you are makinganother application.] American LegalNet, Inc. WHEREFORE, I respectfully request that this motion be granted, that the Courtissue a temporary restraining order, and that I have such other and further relief as theCourt may find to be just and proper. [21. SIGN YOUR NAME BEFORE NOTARY] [22. PRINT YOUR NAME]Sworn to before me this day of , 20 Notary Public[23. Affidavit must be notarized] American LegalNet, Inc. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORKCOUNTY OF NASSAU----------------------------------------------------------------------------x , [10. Index No. & Year]Index No. / AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT [11. Fill in name(s)] -against- OF TEMPORARYRESTRAINING ORDERIN CIVIL ACTION [12. Fill in name(s)] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------x ss: , being duly sworn, STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF [13. Your name] 1)I am the plaintiff/defendant, in this action. I make this affidavit insupport ofanorder 2)I believe the Court should grant my motion because , American LegalNet, Inc. 3)I request that the Court issue an Order temporarily restraining the plaintiff/defendant for the reason(s) that 4)A prior application has or has not been made for the reliefrequested herein.If a prior application has been made then provide the followinginformation American LegalNet, Inc. WHEREFORE, I respectfully request that this motion be granted, that the Courtissue a temporary restraining order, and that I have such other and further relief as theCourt may find to be just and proper. Notary Public Sworn to before me thisday of American LegalNet, Inc.