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Records Access Request (LPC) Form. This is a New York form and can be use in New York Local County.
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Tags: Records Access Request (LPC), New York Local County, New York
Municipal Building 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor North New York, NY 10007 Tel: 212 669 2491 Fax: 212 669 3844 PROCEDURES FOR THE USE OF LANDMARKS PRESERVATION COMMISSION MATERIALS The Landmarks Preservation Commission is responsible for safeguarding the architectural, historical, and cultural heritage of New York City. It maintains records relating to the identification, designation, alteration, and preservation of New York City Landmarks. The Commission is pleased to assist you but asks that you observe the following procedures to ensure the protection of records. x x x x Visitors must make an appointment in advance by filling out and returning the Appointment Request form. A staff member will contact visitors to schedule an appointment. Visitors must sign the register at the front desk for each visit. Identification is required to enter the building. Users damaging, removing, or altering records will be subject to use restrictions and penalties applicable to destruction of public property. DOCUMENT RESEARCH AREA PROCEDURES x x x When records access applications are received, a staff member will call or email the applicant to arrange a mutually convenient time for record review. The requested records will be pulled and available for the day of your appointment. Staff is unable to retrieve additional materials the day of an appointment. Smoking, eating, drinking, and cell phone use are NOT permitted. Commission records are sometimes fragile; do not write upon, mark, lean, or otherwise mishandle documents. Any damaged materials should be reported to staff. Please preserve the existing order of the material and do not remove items for any reasons. REPRODUCTION PROCEDURE AND COSTS x x x x x Staff will provide colored clips for marking pages to be photocopied. Visitors are NOT ALLOWED to operate the Commission's photocopying machines. Staff will arrange to send documents to an off site photocopying center. Photocopies are NOT made on site. Staff will provide contact information for the photocopying center for pickup. Fees are paid directly to the photocopying center. Photographing of materials is allowed and encouraged. PUBLICATION AND CITATION If photographs or other material deriving from the Landmarks Commission are printed, published, or quoted, appropriate credit should be given. The suggested citations are: Photo credit: Photographer's name (if known), NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission, year (if known) Research credit: Landmarks Preservation Commission [name of landmark] Designation Report [LP XXXX], New York, City of New York [year]. Prepared by [staff member's name] The Commission would appreciate copies of any reports, papers, articles, and published or unpublished research on the history, architecture, and culture of New York City. Please submit the Appointment Request for Records Access form to: Records Access Specialist Landmarks Preservation Commission 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor North New York, NY 10007 To submit via fax, please send to 212 669 3844. To submit via email, send to: An appointment may not be necessary; when possible, staff will email documents. Please call 212 669 2491 to check the status of your request. Requests are typically answered within two to four weeks. American LegalNet, Inc. Municipal Building 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor North New York, NY 10007 Tel: 212 669 Fax: 212 669 3844 RECORDS ACCESS REQUEST DATE: _______________ NAME TELEPHONE OFFICE USE ONLY: _______________ EMAIL ADDRESS FAX AFFILIATION REPRESENTING ADDRESS APT./STE./FLR. CITY, STATE ZIP CODE SUBJECT OF INQUIRY SITE NAME OR ADDRESS BOROUGH BLOCK LOT MATERIALS REQUESTED PERMIT COPY PLEASE CHECK (Docket # ___________ / Permit # ___________) DESIGNATION REPORTS ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS PRE DESIGNATION RESEARCH FILES DESIGNATION PHOTOS OTHER: FILES RELATED TO BUILDING ALTERATION (Docket # ___________ / Permit # ___________) VIOLATIONS RECORDS PUBLIC HEARING TAPES ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW RECORDS IF UNSURE, PLEASE DESCRIBE REQUEST PURPOSE OF INQUIRY I would like to schedule an appointment at a mutually convenient time. I can be reached at the telephone number or address provided above. By signing this form, I agree to observe the procedures for use of Landmarks Preservation Commission materials as described by Commission staff. SIGNATURE DATE REQUESTS ARE TYPICALLY ANSWERED WITHIN TWO TO FOUR WEEKS. THE RECORDS OFFICER WILL CONTACT YOU TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT, IF NECESSARY. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS FORM, PLEASE CONTACT US AT 212 669 2491. American LegalNet, Inc.