Affidavit In Support Of An Application To Proceed As A Poor Person And To Waive Court Fees Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Affidavit In Support Of An Application To Proceed As A Poor Person And To Waive Court Fees Form. This is a New York form and can be use in New York Local County.
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Tags: Affidavit In Support Of An Application To Proceed As A Poor Person And To Waive Court Fees, CIV-GP-15, New York Local County, New York
Civil Court of the City of New York County of Index Number Part In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION TO PROCEED AS A POOR PERSON AND TO WAIVE COURT FEES to prosecute as a poor person against State of New York, County of ss: , being duly sworn, deposes and says: PRINT YOUR NAME 1. I am the party named as in the above titled action. 2. 1 reside at 3. 1 seek to proceed in the above titled action. 4. 1 have a good and meritorious cause of action in that 5. 1 request that an Order be granted: waiving any and all statutory fees for the defense or prosecution of the
action, waiving the fee for the filing of a Notice of Appeal other (Specify) 6. 1 make this application based on CPLR 1101. I do not have, nor am
I able to obtain, the funds needed to pay the court fees. I will be unable to proceed unless the Order is granted. 7. 1 am/am not a recipient of Public Assistance from the Department of S
ocial Services of the City of New York. 8. 1 have no income other than the sum of $ per from 9. 1 own no property of any kind except necessary personal wearing appar
el and [Indicate other property and the value of such property] 10. No other person is beneficially interested in the recovery sought. 11. a) I have not made a previous application for this or similar relief. b) I have made previous application(s) for this or similar relief, bu
t I am making this further application because . Sign your name Print your address Sworn to before me this day of 20 Signature of Court Employee and Title Telephone Number CIV-GP-15-i(Revised 5/04) American LegalNet, Inc.