Notice Of Petition
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Notice Of Petition Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Queens Local County.
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Tags: Notice Of Petition, New York Local County, Queens
INSTRUCTIONS: FILL IN THE NAMES OF THE PARTIES AND THE INDEX NUMBER. COMPLETETHE BLANK SPACES NEXT TO THE INSTRUCTIONS IN BOLD. PRINT AND USE BLACK INK ONLY.SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ----------------------------------------------------------------XIn the Matter of the Application of Index No. / NOTICE OF PETITION[FILL IN NAMES] Petitioner(s) - against - [FILL IN NAMES] Respondent(s)----------------------------------------------------------------X PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon the verified petition of [INSERT YOUR NAME] sworn to on the day of , 200 , [INSERT DATE PETITION SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF ANOTARY PUBLIC] and the exhibits attached thereto, and upon all the proceedings in the case to date, the petitioner(s)[INSERT NAMES OF ALL PETITIONER(S)] will petition this court, at 9:30 A.M. on the day of 200 [INSERT RETURN DATE] at the courthouse, , New York, in the Assigned IAS Justices Courtroom, for a judgment, pursuant to Civil Practice Lawand Rules granting the following relief to the petitioner(s): [INSERT BRIEF STATEMENT OF RELIEF REQUESTED] American LegalNet, Inc. and granting such other and further relief as this Court may deemjust and proper.PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, pursuant to Civil Practice Law andRules 403(b), you are hereby required to serve copies of your answer on the undersignedno later than the seventh day prior to the date set above for the submission of thisproceeding. Dated: , New York , 200 Respectfully Submitted, Petitioner(s)[PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS] To: Attorney(s) for Respondent(s) [PRINT ATTORNEY'S NAME AND ADDRESS]2 American LegalNet, Inc.