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Affidavit In Support Of Issuance Of Family Court Temporary Order Of Protection Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Family Court Statewide.
Tags: Affidavit In Support Of Issuance Of Family Court Temporary Order Of Protection, GF-5B, New York Statewide, Family Court
FCA §154-d; CPL §§530.12 (3),(3-a),(3-b)
Family Court General Form 5b
Criminal Form 3
(Local Criminal Court):
County of
(By Individual Complainant/Petitioner)
Index/Docket #
State of New York )
): ss:
County of
I, (petitioner's name)1 ___________________________________, having been duly sworn,
depose and state the following under the penalties of perjury:
1. The Family Court,
County, is not in session at the present time.
2. The following family offense was committed on (specify date): ________ by the abovenamed Respondent [Check box or boxes]:
Disorderly conduct
Harassment in the first or second degree
Assault in the second or third degree
Attempted assault in second or third degree
Criminal mischief
Forcible touching
Menacing in the second or third degree
Reckless endangerment
Aggravated harassment in the second degree
Sexual misconduct
Sexual abuse in the second2 or third degree
Criminal obstruction of breathing or circulation
3. The Respondent and I are related as follows:
we are married
we were married
we have a child in common
we are parent & child
we are related by blood or marriage [specify how]:
we are in an intimate relationship (NOT casual social or business acquaintances)
we were in an intimate relationship (NOT casual social or business acquaintances)[describe]:
NOTE: If the Petitioner is a peace or police officer, representative of a duly authorized agency or other
person designated by the Court to file a petition pursuant to Family Court Act §822, Family Court General Form 5c/
Criminal Form 4 should be used instead of this form.
W here victim is incapable of consent for reason other than being under age 17 [Penal Law §130.60(1)].
American LegalNet, Inc.
Family Court General Form 5b/Crim 3
4. [Check one]:
Page 2
I filed a petition under Article 8 of the Family Court Act in
Family Court,__________County, on [specify date]:__________.
I intend to file a petition in Family Court, County, on the next day
the Court is in session.
5. The following constitutes good cause for issuing a temporary order of protection:[Briefly
describe family offense and any other facts and reasons supporting the need to protect me, my child(ren) or
other members of my family or household]:
6.a. The following criminal, matrimonial or Family Court cases have been filed involving the
respondent and me: [Specify type of case, who filed it, the court in which it was filed, the approximate
date filed and the present status, if known]:
b. The following orders of protection or temporary orders of protection have been issued
against the respondent or against me: [Specify type of case in which the order was issued, persons
protected by the order, the court that. issued it, the approximate date issued and expiration date, if known]:
7. I understand that the Family Court order issued by this Court shall expire on the date
indicated on the order, which shall be not more than four calendar days after its issuance, unless sooner
vacated or modified by the Family Court. I understand that the matter will be transferred to the Family
Court and that I must appear in Family Court on or before the date indicated. I further understand that I
have a right to seek a criminal prosecution of respondent in addition to, or instead of, proceeding in Family
WHEREFORE, for the reasons stated above, I am requesting that my application for a Family
Court temporary order of protection be granted and that the matter be transferred to the Family Court,
________________ County.
False statements in this affidavit are punishable as a class A misdemeanor, pursuant to Penal
Law §210.45.
Sworn to before me
this day of
This affidavit, together with any temporary order of protection so issued, shall be transmitted forthwith to the
Family Court; if the affidavit and order are transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means, the original shall
be forwarded immediately thereafter.
American LegalNet, Inc.