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Determination Upon Fact Finding Hearing Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Family Court Statewide.
Tags: Determination Upon Fact Finding Hearing, 7-5, New York Statewide, Family Court
F.C.A. �� 744, 752 Form 7-5 (Person in Need of Supervision-Determination Upon Fact-finding Hearing) 8/2010 At a term of the Family Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of , at , New York on PRESENT Hon. Judge .................................................................... In the Matter of A Person Alleged to be a Person In Need of Supervision, Respondent. .................................................................... Docket No. DETERMINATION UPON FACTFINDING HEARING The petition of under Article 7 of the Family Court Act, sworn to on , , was filed in this Court, alleging that the abovenamed Respondent is a person in need of supervision; and Notice was given to Respondent and [check applicable box]: G parent G custodian, pursuant to section 741 of the Family Court Act; and Respondent [check applicable box]: G appeared G did not appear before this Court to answer the petition; and an attorney for the Respondent having G appeared G not appeared; and Respondent [check applicable box]: G voluntarily, intelligently and knowingly admitted in open Court that (s)he [specify]: ; G denied the allegations of the petition, and the matter came on for a fact-finding hearing before this Court, and the Court, after hearing the proof and testimony offered in relation to the case, found beyond a reasonable doubt that the Respondent did the following act(s) [specify]: American LegalNet, Inc. Form 7-5 page 2 NOW therefore, upon the findings made in the fact-finding and upon all papers and proceedings filed and had herein, it is ORDERED and ADJUDGED that the above-named Respondent, while under eighteen years of age [check applicable boxes]: G does not attend school in accordance with the provisions of part one of Article 65 of the Education Law; G is incorrigible, ungovernable or habitually disobedient and beyond the lawful control of parent or other lawful authority; G violated the provisions of section 221.05 of the Penal Law; and it is further (ORDERED .) PURSUANT TO SECTION 1113 OF THE FAMILY COURT ACT, AN APPEAL FROM THIS ORDER MUST BE TAKEN WITHIN 30 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THE ORDER BY APPELLANT IN COURT, 35 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF MAILING OF THE ORDER TO APPELLANT BY THE CLERK OF COURT, OR 30 DAYS AFTER SERVICE BY A PARTY OR THE ATTORNEY FOR THE CHILD UPON THE APPELLANT, WHICHEVER IS EARLIEST. ENTER ____________________________________ Judge of the Family Court Dated: , Check applicable box: G Order mailed on [specify date(s) and to whom mailed ]: ____________________________ G Order received in court on [specify date(s) and to whom given]:______________________ American LegalNet, Inc.