Certification Of Registration Of Order Of Custody Or Visitation
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Certification Of Registration Of Order Of Custody Or Visitation Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Family Court Statewide.
Tags: Certification Of Registration Of Order Of Custody Or Visitation, UCCJEA-19, New York Statewide, Family Court
DRL 77-d Form UCCJEA-19 (Certification of Registration of Order of Custody or Visitation UCCJEA) 8/2002 ........................................................................
............. In the Matter of a Proceeding for Registration of Out-of-State Order of Custody or Visitation Under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act Petitioner, Docket No. CERTIFICATION OF REGISTRATION OF OUT-OF-STATE ORDER OF CUSTODY OR -against- VISITATION UCCJEA Respondent. ........................................................................
............. TO [specify name and address]: I , Clerk of the
Family Court of the State of New York, County of [specify]: , do he
reby certify that the order of custody or visitation, dated [specify]:
, issued by the following court in the following jurisdiction [specify]: has been registered in the State of New York, pursuant to Section 77-d o
f the New York State Domestic Relations Law, and is deemed to have the same force and effect
and is enforceable as if it were issued by a Court of the State of New York. This order concerns the following child(ren): Name(s) Date(s) of Birth In testimony whereof, I have affixed the seal of this Court this day of
{specify]: ______________________________ Clerk of the Family Court American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com