Notice Of Hearing Upon Objection To Registration Of Order Of Custody Or Visitation
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Notice Of Hearing Upon Objection To Registration Of Order Of Custody Or Visitation Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Family Court Statewide.
Tags: Notice Of Hearing Upon Objection To Registration Of Order Of Custody Or Visitation, UCCJEA-17, New York Statewide, Family Court
COURT COUNTY OF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:::::::Index No.DRL �77-dForm UCCJEA-17 (Notice of Hearing Upon Objection to Registration of Order of Custody or Visitation UCCJEA) 8/2002 .....................................................................................In the Matter of a Proceeding for Registration of Order of Custody or Visitation Under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement ActCalendar No.JUDICIAL SUBPOENAPlaintiff(s) -against-Defendant(s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Petitioner,Docket No. NOTICE OF HEARING UPON OBJECTION TO REGISTRATION OF ORDER OF CUSTODY OR -against-THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK TOVISITATION UCCJEARespondent. .....................................................................................TO [specify name and address]:GREETINGS:WE COMMAND YOU, that all business and excuses being laid aside, you and each of you attend before Court at the the HonorablePLEASE TAKE NOTICE that: An objection to the registration of an order of custody or visitation was filed in this Court by [specify]:,located at County ofo'clock in the day of, on the, 20, at or adjourned date, to testify and give evidence as a witness in this action on the part of thenoon, and at any recessed in roomon [specify date]: See copy of objection, attached.The order proposed to be registered concerns the following child(ren): Name(s)Your failure to comply with this subpoena is punishable as a contempt of court and will make you liable to the party on whose behalf this subpoena was issued for a maximum penalty of $50 and all damages sustained as a result of your failure to comply.Date(s) of BirthThe Petitioner's request for registration and the Respondent's objection to the registration have been scheduled for a hearing on [specify date and time]: in this Court, Part , located at [specify address]: If you reside outside of the State of New York, you may apply to testify by telephone, audio-visual means or other electronic means by submitting the enclosed Electronic Testimony Application, Form UCCJEA-7,1 not less than three days before the above hearing date to [specify address and fax number of Court]:, one of the Justices of theCourt in Witness, Honorableday of, 20 County,(Attorney must sign above and type name below)Attorney(s) forClerk of Court Dated:Office and P.O. AddressTelephone No.: Facsimile No.: E-Mail Address:Mobile Tel. No.:1 This form is also available at (Family Court forms).American LegalNet, Inc.