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Status Report Of Intrastate Financing Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Real Estate Statewide.
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Tags: Status Report Of Intrastate Financing, 4, New York Statewide, Real Estate
INTRASTATE 4 NY # STATUS REPORT OF INTRASTATE FINANCING (Name of Issuer) (Street Address) (City and State) (Zip) TO: ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK REAL ESTATE FINANC BUREAU NEW YORK, NY 10 1.Period covered by this report:2.Date that offering commenced:3.Date of last prior report:4.Date offering completed (if completed):5.Has the offering been discontinued: Yes NoIf Yes, please indicate when6.If offering has not commenced, state reasons briefly:7. a) Total number and dollar amount of shares or other units offered: b)Number and dollar amount sold during the period covered by this report:c)Number and dollar amount sold during the period covered by prior reports:d)Number and dollar amount of shares or other units still being offered:e)Total amount received from public from commencement of offering to date:8.Name and addresses of all banks where the issuer maintains accounts:9.Name and address of each bank where funds from offering have been deposited, title of accountand opening balance preceding this period:(a) $ (b) $ Balance in said accounts as of end of re p ortin g p eriod: American LegalNet, Inc. $(a) $(b) 10.Proceeds not heretofore accounted for were spent as follows:11.Have any of the securities of the issuer been "warehoused" or otherwise sold to persons whowere acquiring same with a view towards resale? [ ] Yes [ ] No If Yes, please provide details on separate sheet. 12.Have there been any changes in the management of the issuer? [ ] Yes [ ] NoIf Yes, please provide details on separate sheet.13.Have adequate books and records been set up? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not YetDate such books were set up: Name and address of independent public accountant: If not set up, explain reasons: 14.Was this offering made on a Short Form Prospectus (INTRASTATE 5) [ ] Yes [ ] NoIf Yes, attach a copy or a photocopy of the subscription sheet of form INTRASTATE 5 as executed by each subscriber during the period covered by this report. (Issuer) By: Signature: Printed Name and Title: Tele p hone Number : American LegalNet, Inc.