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Affidavit In Support Of Motion For Contempt Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Supreme Court Statewide.
Tags: Affidavit In Support Of Motion For Contempt, New York Statewide, Supreme Court
SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ________________________ county in which divorce is pending ---------------------------------------------------------------x : Index No. ______________ insert court index no. Plaintiff, : AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT -against- : OF MOTION FOR CONTEMPT : Defendant. : ----------------------------------------------------------------x STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF ________________________) s.s.: where this affidavit is signed I,________________________________, being duly sworn, depose and say that: your name 1. I am the ______________________in this divorce action. Plaintiff / Defendant 2. I submit this affidavit in support of my Motion for civil and criminal contempt sanctions against for his/her willful failure to comply with the opposing partys name circle one Order or Judgment of this Court, dated _____________________. A copy of that Order or
date of Order or Judgment Judgment is annexed to this affidavit as Exhibit A. (attach copy of Order or Judgment) 3. On___________________, this Court awarded me temporary/final: date of Order or Judgment circle one American LegalNet, Inc.>>>> 2 (Check the applicable boxes) Child Support Maintenance/Spousal Support Custody Visitation Equitable Distribution of Marital Property Other___________________________________________________________ describe other relief awarded ________________________________________________________________________
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ ________________________________________________________________________
_____ 4. Copy of such Order/Judgment was served upon _______________________________ opposing partys name by__________________________on____________________________. 5. __________________________________ should be held in contempt of this opposing partys name Courts Order or Judgment because:_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ Describe why you think the opposing party should be held in contempt. Include specific details of what he or shehas done or not done to comply . Provide affidavits of witnesses and police incident reports documenting custody orvisitation violations. 6. Attached to this affidavit as Exhibit B is the following documentation showing that _____________________ has wilfully and intentionally failed to co
mply with the opposing partys name Order or Judgment of this Court: ________________________________________________________________________
______ American LegalNet, Inc. 2 >>>> 3________________________________________________________________________
______ Provide letters from opposing party. Where the basis for contempt is failure to pay support despite the means andability to do so, provide evidence of opposing partys incomand assets, including his or her sworn affidavit of nete worth, bank statements, tax returns, etc. 7. I believe that nothing less than a fine and incarceration will persuade _________________________________ to comply with the Courts Order or Judgment. Other opposing partys name enforcement devices, including income deduction Orders, income executions, sequestration or posting of a bond will be or have been unsuccessful because: ___________
_________________ ________________________________________________________________________
______ ________________________________________________________________________
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______ For example, include, if applicable, that opposing party is self-employed or employed off the books, has transferredassets to another party, or that the contempt relates to custody or visitation violations. 8. If___________________________________ is not forced to comply with this opposing partys name Order, I will suffer the following hardships:___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ ________________________________________________________________________
______ Describe hardships. Some examples include, but are not limited to: possible eviction; loss of relationship withchild(ren); foreclosure; inability to pay for basic necessities such as food, clothing, shelter or health care. 9. __________________________s willful and intentional noncompliance with the opposing partys name Order or Judgment of this Court has defeated, impaired, impeded and prejudiced my rights. American LegalNet, Inc. 3 >>>> 4 10. a) 9 I have made no prior application for the relief requested in this Motion. or b) 9 If prior application made, set forth the results of such prior application. check one WHEREFORE, I respectfully request that my Motion be fully granted. ___________________________
sign your name Sworn to before me this______day Print name, address and telephone no. of _________,200__ ______________________________ (THIS AFFIDAVIT MUST BE NOTARIZED) ____________________________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 06/27/05 American LegalNet, Inc. 4