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Order Of Contempt And Arrest Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Supreme Court Statewide.
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Tags: Order Of Contempt And Arrest, New York Statewide, Supreme Court
SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF -------------------------------------------------------------X Plaintiff, Index No.: -against- ORDER OF CONTEMPT AND ARREST Defendant. ------------------------------------------------------------X ,J.: Upon the foregoing papers and after a hearing on the record on , the m o tion to hold Plaintiff /Defendant in civil contem pt is granted pursuant to adecision on the record. The court finds, as set forth on the record, that Plaintiff /Defendant has wilfully failed to obey this courts prior order dated directing Plaintiff /Defendant to pay attorneys fees of $ ; this courts order dated directing Plaintiff /Defendant t o pa y $ in child support arrears and attorneys fees of $ and this courts orde r dated directing Plaintiff /Defendant to pay outstanding childsupport and maintenance directly to Plaintiff /Defendant ; and it isfurther ORDERED , that Plaintiff /Defendant may purge of saidcontempt by paying the fine as follows:
ORDERED , that Plaintiffs/Defendants disobedience actually did defeat, impair, impede or prejudice the rights and remedies of Plaintiff /Defendant ; and it isfurther ORDERED , that sequestration, posting of a bond and/or entry of a judgment would not lie or would be ineffectual; and it is further ORDERED , that Plaintiff / Defendant be and hereby American LegalNet, Inc.>>>> 2Index No.: Page 2. is fined the sum of $ ; and it is further ORDERED , that the Sheriff or the County of be and hereby is directed, upondelivery to him/her of a duly certified copy of this order, to collect the fines hereby imposed upon said defendant, and pay the same over to the Plaintiff herein; and it is further ORDERED , that the Plaintiff / Defendant by reason of his/her misconduct and disobedience and neglect and refusal to comply with said order be and hereby is committed and directed to be imprisoned in the common or county jail of the City of in which he/she shall be found there to remain charged with contempt he/sheuntil shall have paid to the Sheriff his/her fees and fine; and it is further ORDERED , that the Sheriff of the City of upon delivery of a copy of this ordercertified by the Clerk of the Court, shall forthwith on receipt thereof, and without further process, take the body of Plaintiff /Defendant and deliver such to the Com missionerof Corrections of the City of to be detained in close custody until he/she shall pay the fineof $ together with Sheriffs fees, or until he/she shall otherwise be discharged by law. Dated: J.S.C. Order of Contempt and Arrest September 2004 American LegalNet, Inc.