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Form UD - 8(3) Rev. 3/1/1 9 (ch. 269 and ch. 387, L. 20 15) SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1 COUNTY OF ------------------------------------------------------------------ X 2 Plaintiff, Index No.: 4 - against - CHILD SUPPORT WORKSHEET (Form UD 8(3)) Rev . 3/1 /1 9 3 Defendant. ------------------------------------------------------------------- X To assist you in making the calculations on this Worksheet, you may use the Maintenance/Child Support MaintenanceChildSupportTools.shtml . They are provided for your convenience as a tool. They have been tested with many scenarios to assure accuracy with appropriate entry of data. You may wish to make the calculations yourself on the Appendices to this Worksheet. Neither this Worksheet nor the Calculators are meant to predict what the court will order as to maintenance or child support in your case. Comments and questions about this W orksheet or the Calculators should be sent to If you decide to use the Calculators, you must copy your work onto Appendix G. 5 1 . This Worksheet was prepared by Plaintiff Defendant, 6 2. If you and your spouse have entered into a written agreement about child support, check the box below Plaintiff and Defendant have entered into a written agreement about Child Support. 3. If you and your spouse have entered into a written agreement about child support, submit a copy of the agreement to the court along with the completed Worksheet and check the box below. A copy of the written agreement about child support was submitted to the court with this Works heet. 4. If I am not represented by an attorney, I have received a copy of the Child Support Standards Act Chart. 7 5. CALCULATE BASIC ANNUAL CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATION If there are unemancipated children of the marriage, calculate the amount of child support that must be paid to the custodial parent by the non - custodial parent. A. Check the box to indicate how you made the calculation: Use the Maintenance/Child Support Calculators posted at the link above and enter the amount from Part C - IV, Line 1 o f the Calculator in Line 5B below. OR Use Appendix G to make the calculation and enter the amount from Section IV Line 1 of Appendix G in Line 5B below B. The Annual Basic Child Support Obligation $ American LegalNet, Inc. Form UD - 8(3) Rev. 3/1/1 9 (ch. 269 and ch. 387, L. 20 15) 8 6. If you believe the Annual Basic Child Support Obligation is unjust and should be changed, 1 list the factors you would like the Court to consider in its decision , after reviewing the 10 child support adjustment factors in Appendix F. Attach an additional page if needed and check the b ox below: Additional Page Attached 9 7. If you would like the Court to award child support on Combined Parental Income in excess of $ 148,000 , please list the factors you would like the Court to consider in its decision, after reviewing the 10 child support adjustment factors in Appendix F . 2 Attach an additional page if needed and check the box below: Additional Page Attached 10 8 . I have carefully read this statement and attest that it is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature Plaintiff Defendant Subscribed and Sworn to print or type name before me on Notary Public 1 Court to order the NCP to pay an adjusted amount after considering the 10 child support adjustment factors. The 1 0 child support adjustment factors pursuant to DRL 247240(1 - b) (f) are listed on Appendix F. 2 If the Combined Parental Income exceeds $ 148,000 , the Court may award an additional amount of child support. In making such decision, the Court will consider th e 10 child support adjustment factors and/or the child support percentages as shown for information only on Appendix G Section I lines 9 - 9c and on Part C - I line 8 of the Calculators. American LegalNet, Inc. Form UD - 8(3) Rev. 3/1/1 9 (ch. 269 and ch. 387, L. 20 15) SEE APPENDICES F AND G ATTACHED APPENDIX F. 10 Child Support Adj ustment Factors Where Income Exceeds $ 148,000 or When Considering Adjustment of Award (see DRL 240(1 - b)(f)) APPENDIX G. Calculation of Annual Basic Child Support Obligation American LegalNet, Inc. Form UD - 8(3) Rev. 3/1/1 9 (ch. 269 and ch. 387, L. 20 15) APPENDIX F 10 CHILD SUPPORT ADJUSTMENT FACTORS PURSUANT TO DRL 247240(B - 1)(F ) * FOR ADJUSTMENT OF AWARD OR WHERE COMBINED PARENTAL INCOME EXCEEDS $ 148,000 1. The financial resources of the custodial and non - custodial parent, and those of the child; 2. The physical and emotional health of the child and his/her special needs and aptitud es; 3. The standard of living the child would have enjoyed had the marriage or household not been dissolved; 4. The tax consequences to the parties; 5. The non - monetary contributions that the parents will make toward the care and well - being of the child; 6. The educat ional needs of either parent; 7. A determination that the gross income of one parent is substantially less than the other parent's gross income; 8. The needs of the children of the non - custodial parent for whom the non - custodial parent is providing support who a re not subject to the instant action and whose support has not been deducted from income pursuant to subclause (D) of clause (vii) of subparagraph five of paragraph (b) of this subdivision, and the financial resources of any person obligated to support suc h children, provided, however, that this factor may apply only if the resources available to support such Children are less than the resources available to support the children who are subject to the instant action; 9. Provided that the child is not on public assistance (i) extraordinary expenses incurred by the non - custodial parent in exercising visitation, or (ii) expenses incurred by the non - custodial parent in extended visitation provided that the custodial parent's expenses are substantially reduced as a result thereof; and 10. Any other factors the court determines are relevant in each case, the court shall order the non - custodial parent to pay his or her pro rata share of the basic child support obligation, and may order the non - custodial parent to pay an amount pursuant to paragraph (e) of this subdivision. *CH. 567 of the Laws of 1989 American LegalNet, Inc. APPENDIX G , Form UD - 8(3) Rev. 3/1 /1 9 1 of 5 pages EFF. R Form APPENDIX G CALCULATION OF ANNUAL BASIC CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATION I. ADJUST FOR MAINTENANCE AND COMPUTE BASIC CHILD SUPPORT BEFORE LOW INCOME ADJUSTMENT OR ADD - ONS 1. En ter the amount of the guideline award of maintenance on Income of Maintenance Payor up to $ 184,000 from Line 3B of the UD - 8(2) , BUT ENTER ZERO INSTEAD IF NEIT HER PARTY SEEKS MAINTENANCE, OR, IF YOU HAVE AN AGREEMENT AS TO MAINTENANCE WITH YOUR SPOUSE, ENTE R THAT AMOUNT INSTEAD AND PROVIDE THE AGREEMENT TO THE COURT . . . . . . $ 2. Net Annual Income of Party with lower income, Adjusted for Maintenance (Line 1 above plus Li ne 1A or 1B of UD - 8(1) , whichever is lower ) $ 3. Net Annual Income of Party with higher income Adjusted for Maintenance ( Line 1A or 1B of Annual Income Worksheet Form UD - 8(1) , whichever is higher , minus line 1 above ) . . . . $ 4. Combined Parental Income Adjusted for Maintenance ( Total 2 plus 3 ) . . $ 5. Determine whether the Non - Custodial parent (NCP) is the party with the higher or lower income and enter the Income of the NCP from Line 2 or 3, whichever applies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ALSO ENTER THIS AMOUNT IN Section II, Line 1 5a. . . . . . . % Note: Divide Line 5 by Line 4 Note: The percentage share is sometimes referred to a You Add - on Expenses in Section III below. 5b. Income . . . . . . . . % Note: 3, whichever applies), by Line 4 Note: You Mandatory Health insurance Expenses in Section III below 6. Enter the percentage that applies based on the number of children . . . . . . % % 1 child =17%; 2 children =25%; 3 children =29%; 4 children =31%; 5 children= 35% (minimum) 7. Multip ly the percentage in Line 6 by Combined Parental Income from Line 4, but only up to $ 148,00