Affidavit Proving Handwriting
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Affidavit Proving Handwriting Form. This is a New York form and can be use in Surrogates Court Statewide.
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Tags: Affidavit Proving Handwriting, P-9, New York Statewide, Surrogates Court
SURROGATE222S COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK þ COUNTY OF þ þ þ XPROBATE PROCEEDING, þ þ AFFIDAVIT PROVINGWILL OF þ þ HANDWRITING þ þ a/k/a þ þ þ þ þ þ þ Deceased. þ þ X þ File No. þ STATE OF NEW YORK þ þ ) COUNTY OF þ þ ) þ ss.: þ þ , being duly sworn, deposes and says:1. þ My address is: þ 2. þ I was well-acquainted with þ the testator þ þ an attesting witness to the testator222s Will/Codicil.3. þ I am familiar with the manner and style of the testator222s/witness222s handwriting, having often seen him/her write his/her signature and having seen his/her signature on documents I know to have been signed by him/her.4. þ The signature subscribed at the end of the instrument in writing now produced and shown to me, purporting to be the testator222s Last Will and Testament dated þ , þ , is the signature of and is the handwriting of þ þ .Sworn to before me this þ day of , 20 þ þ þ Signature þ þ þ Print NameNotary Public: þ þ Commission Expires: þ þ þ þ þ Name of Attorney: þ þ Tel No.: þ Address of Attorney: þ þ P-9 (10/96) American LegalNet, Inc.