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3. No-Fault motor vehicle accident? or personal injury involving third party? New York State NOTICE AND PROOF OF CLAIM FOR DISABILITY BENEFITSRead instructions on page 2 carefully to avoid a delay in processing. You must answer all questions in Part A and questions 1 through 3 in Part B. Health care providers must complete Part B on page 2. PART A - CLAIMANT'S INFORMATION (Please Print or Type) 10. My job is or was:Occupation8. Date you became disabled:/ / 7. Describe your disability (if injury, also state how, when and where it occurred): No YesDid you work on that day?: No YesHave you recovered from this disability?:If Yes, date you were able to return to work:/ No Yes11. Union Member: If "Yes":Name of Union or Local Number No YesHave you since worked for wages or profit?: If Yes, list dates:9. Name of last employer prior to disability. If more than one employer in previous eight (8) weeks, name all employers. Average Weekly Wage is based on all wages earned in last eight (8) weeks worked. LAST EMPLOYER PRIOR TO DISABILITY PERIOD OF EMPLOYMENT Average Weekly Wage (Include Bonuses, Tips, Commissions, Reasonable Value of Board, Rent, etc.) Firm or Trade Name Last Day Worked First Day Phone Number Address Mo. Day Yr. Mo. Day Yr. OTHER EMPLOYER (during last eight (8) weeks) PERIOD OF EMPLOYMENT Average Weekly Wage (Include Bonuses, Tips, Commissions, Reasonable Value of Board, Rent, etc.) Firm or Trade Name Last Day Worked First Day Phone Number Address Mo. Day Yr. Mo. Day Yr. Mo. Day Yr. Mo. Day Yr. No Yes12. Were you claiming or receiving unemployment prior to this disability? If you did not claim or if you claimed but did not receive unemployment insurance benefits after LAST DAY WORKED, explain reasons fully: If you did receive unemployment benefits, provide all periods collected: 13. For the period of disability covered by this claim: No YesA. Are you receiving wages, salary or separation pay?B. Are you receiving or claiming: No Yes1. Workers' compensation for work-connected disability? No Yes2. Paid Family Leave? No Yes No Yes No Yes4. Long-term disability benefits under the Federal Social Security Act for this disability?IF "YES" IS CHECKED IN ANY OF THE ITEMS IN 13, COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: claimed receivedI have: from:/ /for the period:/ /to: No Yes14. In the year (52 weeks) before your disability began, have you received disability benefits for other periods of disability? If yes, Paid by:/ /from:/ /to: No Yes15. In the year (52 weeks) before your disability began, have you received Paid Family Leave? If yes, Paid by:/ /from:/ /to:I hereby claim Disability Benefits and certify that for the period covered by this claim I was disabled. I have read the instructions on page 2 of this form and that the foregoing statements, including any accompanying statements are, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. Claimant's Signature DateAn individual may sign on behalf of the claimant only if he or she is legally authorized to do so and the claimant is a minor, mentally incompetent or incapacitated. If signed by other than claimant, print information below and complete and submit Form OC-110A, Claimant's Authorization to Disclose Workers' Compensation Records. On behalf of ClaimantRelationship to Claimant AddressDB-450 (5-19) Page 1 of 2 1. Last Name: First Name: MI: 2. Mailing Address (Street & Apt. #): City: State: Zip: 3. Daytime Phone #: Email Address:4. Social Security #:- -6. Gender: Male Female5. Date of Birth:// No Yes16. If you became disabled while employed or within four weeks of your last day worked, did your employer provide you with your rights under Disability Law within 5 days of your notice or request for disability forms? DB-450 5-19 7. ENTER DATES FOR THE FOLLOWING PART B - HEALTH CARE PROVIDER'S STATEMENT (Please Print or Type)3. Date of Birth:/ / a. Claimant's symptoms: b. Objective findings: 5. Claimant hospitalized?: 4. Diagnosis/Analysis: Diagnosis Code: No Yes THE HEALTH CARE PROVIDER'S STATEMENT MUST BE FILLED IN COMPLETELY. THE ATTENDING HEALTH CARE PROVIDER SHALL COMPLETE AND RETURN TO THE CLAIMANT WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THIS FORM. For item 7-d, you must give estimated date. If disability is caused by or arising in connection with pregnancy, enter estimated delivery date in item 7-e. INCOMPLETE ANSWERS MAY DELAY PAYMENT OF BENEFITS./ /From:To:6. Operation indicated?: No Yes a. Typeb. Date a Date of your first treatment for this disability d. Date Claimant will again be able to perform work (Even if considerable question exists, estimate date. Avoid use of terms such as unknown or undetermined.) e. If pregnancy related, please check box and enter the date c. Date Claimant was unable to work because of this disability b. Date of your most recent treatment for this disability DAY YEAR No Yes8. In your opinion, is this disability the result of injury arising out of and in the course of employment or occupational disease?: No YesIf "Yes", has Form C-4 been filed with the Board? I certify that I am a: License Number Licensed or Certified in the State of(Physician, Chiropractor, Dentist, Podiatrist, Psychologist, Nurse-Midwife) Health Care Provider's Signature Date Health Care Provider's Printed Name Phone # Health Care Provider's Address IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CLAIMANT - READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY PLEASE NOTE: Do not date and file this form prior to your first date of disability. In order for your claim to be processed, Parts A and B must be completed. 1. If you are using this form because you became disabled while employed or you became disabled within four (4) weeks after termination of employment, your completed claim should be mailed within thirty (30) days of your first date of disability to your employer or your last employer's insurance carrier. You may find your employer's disability insurance carrier on the Workers' Compensation Board's website, , using Employer Coverage Search. 2. If you are using this form because you became disabled after having been unemployed for more than four (4) weeks, your completed claim MUST be mailed to: Workers' Compensation Board, Disability Benefits Bureau, PO Box 9029, Endicott, NY 13761-9029. If you answered "Yes" to question 13.B.3, please complete and attach Form DB-450.1. If you do not receive a response within 45 days or if you have questions about your disability benefits claim, please call your employer's insurance carrier. For general information about disability benefits, please visit or call the Board's Disability Benefits Bureau at (877) 632-4996. Notification Pursuant to the New York Personal Privacy Protection Law (Public Officers Law Article 6-A) and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. � 552a). The Workers' Compensation Board's (Board's) authority to request that claimants provide personal information, including their social security number, is derived from the Board's investigatory authority under Workers' Compensation Law (WCL) � 20, and its administrative authority under WCL � 142. This information is collected to assist the Board in investigating and administering claims in the most expedient manner possible and to help it maintain accurate claim records. Providing your social security number to the Board is voluntary. There is no penalty for failure to provide your social security number on this form; it will not result in a denial of your claim or a reduction in benefits. The Board will protect the confidentiality of all personal information in its possession, disclosing it only in furtherance of its official duties and in accordance with applicable state and federal lawHIPAA NOTICE - In order to adjudicate a workers' compensation claim or disability benefits claim, WCL 13-a(4)(a) and 12 NYCRR 325-1.3 require health care providers to regularly file medical reports of treatment with the Board and the insurance carrier or employer. Pursuant to 45 CFR 164.512 these legally required medical reports are exempt from HIPAA's restrictions on disclosure of health information.An employer or insurer, or any employee, agent, or person acting on behalf of an employer or insurer, who KNOWINGLY MAKES A FALSE STATE