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UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT TRANSCRIPT ORDER READ INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGE TWO BEFORE COMPLETING Case Style __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dist. Ct. No. _____________________ District ____________________________________________________________________ Date Notice of Appeal filed _____________________ Ct. of Appeals No.________________________________________________ Name of Court Reporter/Electronic Rec.___________________________________________________________________________ Address of Reporter___________________________________________________________________________________________ TO BE COMPLETED BY PARTY ORDERING TRANSCRIPT - DO NOT SUBMIT FORM UNTIL FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE WITH THE REPORTER. IF THIS COMPLETED FORM IS NOT MAILED TO THE COURT REPORTER AND A COPY FILED WITH THE DISTRICT COURT CLERK WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS AFTER FILING NOTICE OF APPEAL, THE APPEAL WILL BE SUBJECT TO DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO FOURTH CIRCUIT LOCAL RULE 45. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS FORM MUST BE FILED WITH TWO COPIES OF APPELLANT'S DOCKETING STATEMENT WITH THE CLERK OF THE COURT OF APPEALS WITHIN FOURTEEN DAYS OF FILING THE NOTICE OF APPEAL. A SEPARATE TRANSCRIPT ORDER MUST BE COMPLETED FOR EACH REPORTER FROM WHOM A TRANSCRIPT IS REQUESTED. A. This constitutes an order of the transcript of the following proceedings [check appropriate box(es) and indicate total number of pages]. PROCEEDING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HEARING DATE(S) ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Voir Dire Opening Statement (Plaintiff) Opening Statement (Defendant) Closing Argument (Plaintiff) Closing Argument (Defendant) Opinion of Court Jury Instructions Sentencing Bail Hearing Pre-Trial Proceedings (specify) __________________________ ~ Testimony (specify) __________________________ ~ Other (specify) __________________________ TOTAL ESTIMATED PAGES _________________________ NOTE: FAILURE TO SPECIFY IN ADEQUATE DETAIL THOSE PROCEEDINGS TO BE TRANSCRIBED IS GROUNDS FOR DISMISSAL OF AN APPEAL. B. I certify that I have contacted the court reporter (or coordinator if electronic recording from the District of Maryland) and satisfactory financial arrangements for payment of the transcript have been made. ~ Private funds. (Deposit of $________ enclosed with court reporter's copy. Check No. __________.) ~ Criminal Justice Act. A CJA Form 24 has been submitted to the district judge. (Attach a photocopy of the CJA 24 to the court of appeals' and reporter's copies. The CJA 24 does not have to be approved prior to submission of a copy.) ~ Government expense (civil case). IFP has been granted and a motion for transcript at government expense has been submitted to the district judge. ~ Advance payment waived by court reporter. ~ Federal Public Defender - no CJA Form 24 necessary. ~ United States appeal - copy of litigation expense form attached, if applicable. Signature __________________________________________Typed name______________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone No. __________________________________ Date Mailed to Reporter________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPELLANT FOR ORDERING TRANSCRIPT You have ten days after filing your notice of appeal to order transcript from the court reporter and file a copy of this form with the clerk of the district court. Within fourteen days of filing the notice of appeal, additional copies of this form must be filed with two copies of the Docketing Statement with the clerk of the court of appeals and served with the Docketing Statement on opposing counsel. DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FORM UNTIL YOU HAVE MADE SATISFACTORY FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE COURT REPORTER. 1. Contact each court reporter involved in reporting the proceedings, obtain an estimate of total pages, and make arrangements for payment. If you are unsure of the reporter(s) involved, contact the district court clerk's office for that information. A SEPARATE TRANSCRIPT ORDER MUST BE PREPARED FOR EACH COURT REPORTER FROM WHOM A TRANSCRIPT IS REQUESTED. MAKE COPIES OF BLANK FORM AS NECESSARY. If payment is waived by the reporter until completion of the transcript, the appellant must remit full payment within a reasonable period of time upon receipt of the reporter's invoice. If this was an electronic recording from the District of Maryland, contact the district court reporter coordinator for further instructions. Transcripts ordered under the Criminal Justice Act do not include opening and closing statements, voir dire, or jury instructions unless prior special authorization has been received by the appellant. Request CJA Form 24 from the district court and submit the form(s) to the district court judge for approval. A separate CJA Form 24 must be completed for each court reporter. In multi-defendant cases involving CJA defendants, only original transcripts should be purchased from the court reporter(s). Requests for copies will be arranged by the district court using commercial printers. Contact the district court reporter coordinator or district court clerk's office for further instructions. Complete the Transcript Order in its entirety. Distribute the Transcript Order as follows: court reporter district court --- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. mail original to court reporter within 10 days of filing notice of appeal file copy in district court clerk's office within 10 days of filing notice of appeal court of appeals -attach copies to both copies of Docketing Statement filed in court of appeals clerk's office wi