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Motion Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Cumberland (District 12) Local County.
Tags: Motion, CCLF-CR-001, North Carolina Local County, Cumberland (District 12)
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CUMBERLAND COUNTY MOTION IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION CONTINUE TRIAL DATE STRIKE CALLED & FAILED RECALL ORDER FOR ARREST/SET ASIDE BOND FORFEITURE (G.S.15A-544.5) Defendant Address: Defendant Name: Date(s) Called & Failed and Presiding Judge File No(s): Charges: Reason(s) for motion: Signature of Movant: Date: Signature of Defendant: Date: Print Name:_________________________ ADA Defense Counsel Defendant Date Must be signed if motion to strike/recall is made in open court -OR- Verification of defendant's unavailability must be attached. Signature of Opposing Party: New Court Date: Print Name:_________________________ Consents Opposes Requests to be Heard SUBPOENA: OFFICER(S) WITNESS(ES) ORDER TO CONTINUE TO STRIKE CALLED & FAILED/RECALL ORDER FOR ARREST The motion set forth above is hereby Date GRANTED DENIED Signature of Appropriate Judicial Official Continuance Strike C&F/ Recall OFA Set Aside Bond Forfeiture CHIEF JUDGE Presiding Judge for scheduled court date CHIEF JUDGE Presiding Judge for date defendant failed to appear Presiding Judge when motion presented in open court ORIGINAL - CLERK OF COURT COPY - DA'S OFFICE MOVANT MUST DISTRIBUTE AS FOLLOWS: CCLF-CR-001 Revised 11/26/13 American LegalNet, Inc.