The Goals And Benefits Of Child Custody Visitation Mediation Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
The Goals And Benefits Of Child Custody Visitation Mediation Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Cumberland (District 12) Local County.
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Tags: The Goals And Benefits Of Child Custody Visitation Mediation, CCLF-FC-009, North Carolina Local County, Cumberland (District 12)
Cumberland County Family Court The Goals and Benefits of Child Custody/Visitation Mediation A. Elizabeth KeeverA. Elizabeth Keever Chief District Court JudgeChief District Court Judge IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PARENTS:Your domestic case has been referred to our Family Court Child Custody/VisitationMediation program. Enclosed is your Notice of Hearing, which schedules the date andtime of your initial Custody Mediation orientation session and Parenting Educationsession. Your appearance in court on this date is required. DO NOT bring children under the ageof six with you. If you have children under the age of six, make child care arrangementsfor them now. You should allow two hours to complete the orientation and educationsessions. If any of your children are age six or older, you should plan to bring them with you.The Family Court has established a special Childrens Divorce Support Group inwhich children six and up participate while the parents attend the orientation andeducation sessions. Cumberland Countys Family Court incorporates these special services for parents andchildren to minimize the emotional hardship that divorce can cause to children of all ages.Mediation is a practical way to resolve custody and/or visitation issues. Through animpartial third party, mediation brings parents together to reach their own agreementabout parenting that is in the best interest of their child or children. No issues other thancustody and visitation are considered during the mediation sessions. Parentingagreements that are created by the parents are longer lasting and reduce future conflicts.The Parent Education program explains the impact separation and divorce have onchildren. Parenting skills are presented to help you and your children cope with themultiple life changes divorce brings. It is important to fully understand your childs point ofview and to take steps to communicate your feelings in a positive way.I hope that each of you will participate fully and take advantage of these helpful programs. CUMBERLAND COUNTY FAMILY COURT *CUSTODY MEDIATION OFFICE* P.O. BOX 363 * FAYETTEVILLE*NC*28302*(910) 678-2920CCLF-FC-009 (Rev. 11/00)