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Request For Conflicts Notice Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Guilford (District 18) Local County.
Tags: Request For Conflicts Notice, Form 17-Appendix B, North Carolina Local County, Guilford (District 18)
RE: [Case Name and File Number]
DATES: [Month, Day, Year – Month, Day, Year]
Dear Parties:
Attached is the NOTICE OF CASE SELECTION. Read it carefully as it briefly describes the
arbitration process.
As a courtesy to you, this notice is being provided to you by the District Court Judges’ Office,
Arbitration Administrator. Your case is to be set for an Arbitration Hearing during the period of
time indicated in the heading of this Notice. It is required that you advise me, either in writing or
by telephone, of any CONFLICTING dates between those dates, inclusive, that you would
NOT be able to be present at your hearing. If I do not hear from you within 20 days from the
date of this letter, I will select a date. Please be advised that once hearings are set, hearings will
only be rescheduled for emergency situations and can result in the imposition of fines.
NOTE: On all correspondence, please include the file number. If responding by phone, you
may leave a message on voicemail. Speak slowly, distinctly and be sure to give the name and
file number of the case.
For individuals not represented by an attorney, there is a booklet available in the Civil Case
Manager’s office in room 251 at the Guilford County Courthouse, Greensboro, NC. This
booklet explains the arbitration process and how to prepare for the hearing. Please be advised
that the Civil Case Manager cannot give you any legal advice or discuss the materials contained
in this booklet. This office provides the booklet as a courtesy to help you.
Please note that this case will be scheduled during the above referenced time frame pursuant to
the rules for court ordered arbitration. Any pending motions need to be calendared and heard as
soon as possible. Your hearing will not be continued due to pending motions. The discovery
process does not delay the arbitration hearing.
Sylvia Lewis
Arbitration Administrator
(The enabling legislation for arbitration is NCGS 7A-37.1. The Supreme Court Rules for Court
Ordered Arbitration were adopted on September 14, 1989 and amended on August 1, 1995.)
Appendix B, Form 17 (Rev.04/02)
American LegalNet, Inc.