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Notice Of Equitable Distribution Hearings Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Harnett, Lee (District 11A) Local County.
Tags: Notice Of Equitable Distribution Hearings, A, North Carolina Local County, Harnett, Lee (District 11A)
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Harnett County File Number In The General Court Of Justice District Court Division Name of Plaintiff(s) VERSUS Name of Defendant(s) NOTICE OF EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION HEARINGS TO PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT: TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. A claim for equitable distribution has been filed against you in the above-entitled action. A copy of the Local Rules pertaining to such claims may be obtained from the Clerk of Superior Court of the aforesaid County. 2. An inventory affidavit, along with instructions for completing same and a timetable, are attached hereto. You must complete the affidavit, file it with the Clerk of Superior Court of the aforesaid county and serve a copy of same by first-class mail on the opposing party or his or her counsel, if any, within 30 days after you are served with a copy of the opposing party's inventory affidavit. 3. An Initial Pretrial Scheduling and Discovery Conference will be conducted by the presiding domestic judge at the Harnett County Courthouse in Lillington, North Carolina on , 20 at :00 AM PM, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached. You and your counsel, if any, are required to attend said conference unless excused in advance by said judge pursuant to local rules. 4. Unless exempted by local rules, you are required to attend a mediated settlement conference or other settlement procedure authorized by local rules. The mediated settlement conference, or other authorized settlement procedure, must be completed no later than 210 days after filing of the first equitable distribution claim. 5. A Final Pretrial Conference will be conducted by the presiding domestic judge no later than 240 days after filing of the first equitable distribution claim. The date for the Final Pretrial Conference will be set at the scheduling and discovery conference. You and your counsel, if any, are required to attend said conference unless excused in advance by said judge pursuant to the local ED rules. 6. Failure to comply with any local rule may result in sanctions being imposed against you so it is imperative that you understand said rules or retain competent legal counsel to assist you. Neither the assigned judge nor the Clerk of Superior Court of the aforesaid county are permitted to give you any advice regarding this claim. ED Form A (rev. 10/2014) District 11 � Equitable Distribution Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. 7. A copy of this notice shall be served on the trial court administrator for the Eleventh Judicial District by first-class mail. Date: ____________________________________ Plaintiff Defendant Plaintiff Attorney Defendant Attorney CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a copy of this Notice of Equitable Distribution hearings has been served on the opposing party/counsel and Chief District Court Judge's Office in the following manner: By depositing a copy in the US Mail in a properly addressed, postage paid envelope to: By hand delivery to: By facsimile to: Other: Date: ____________________________________ Plaintiff Plaintiff Attorney Defendant Defendant Attorney ED Form A (rev. 10/2014) District 11 � Equitable Distribution Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.