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Order Appointing Parenting Coordinator Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Harnett, Lee (District 11A) Local County.
Tags: Order Appointing Parenting Coordinator, PC-3, North Carolina Local County, Harnett, Lee (District 11A)
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Harnett County File Number In The General Court Of Justice District Court Division Name of Plaintiff(s) VERSUS Name of Defendant(s) ORDER APPOINTING PARENTING COORDINATOR THIS CAUSE, coming on to be heard, and being heard before the undersigned District Court Judge on for the appointment of a Parenting Coordinator, hereinafter referred to as "PC". The court makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. 2. 3. This action is a high-conflict case. The appointment of the PC is in the best interest of the minor child(ren). The parties are able to pay for the costs of the PC. 4. This action concerns issues involving child custody and visitation with one or more minor children with the following names and relationships to the parties listed: PARTY Plaintiff #1 Plaintiff #2 Defendant #1 Defendant #2 Intervenor #1 Intervenor #2 Intervenor #3 Intervenor #4 5. The parties are currently operating under the child custody and visitation order which was entered on , The order is: Temporary as to child custody visitation Permanent as to child custody visitation. child(ren) involved in the proceeding are: Age Age Age Age DOB DOB DOB DOB Custodian Custodian Custodian Custodian . The NAME RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD(REN) PC-3 (rev. 10/2014) District 11 � Parent Coordinator American LegalNet, Inc. Page 1 of 4 6. A Protective Order has has NOT been entered between the parties. The Protective Order, County, File No. is modified to allow limited contact for the purposes of parenting coordination, provided the following limits apply: . 7. JURISDICTION. a. This court has jurisdiction over child custody and parenting issues pursuant to N.C.G.S. �Ch. 50-A, et seq. b. The parties agree, and the court so finds, that appointment of a PC is necessary to assist the parents in implementing the terms of the existing child custody and parenting order for the specific issues listed in paragraph 5 below. 8. PARENTING COORDINATOR. PC and follow the terms specified in this order. , or his/her successor, is appointed PC. The parties shall cooperate with the 9. TERM/SUCCESSION. The term of the PC's service shall be for a period of months years from the date of this order. If the PC requests to withdraw, the PC shall give notice and serve all parties and a hearing shall be held to appoint another PC who is agreeable to both parties. If the Court terminates the appointment prior to the expiration date, notice shall be given to the PC, and a hearing held. 10. ISSUES SUBJECT TO PARENT COORDINATION. a. General Authority: In addition to the responsibility of the PC as defined in the Local Rules, the PC will: (1) assist parents in implementing the custody/visitation court order; (2) reduce conflict between parties; and, (3) teach parents communication skills, child development and child issues specific to divorce. b. Areas of Domain: The PC can make minor changes in the following areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Discipline Health care management Schedule alterations Bed time Diet Clothing Recreation Participation in child care/daycare, baby sitting 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. After school/enrichment activities Transition time/pick-up/delivery Sharing of vacations and holidays Method of pick-up and delivery Transportation to and from visitation Participate in visitation (significant other, relatives, etc.) Other: Other: c. Decision making power. In order to carry out the general authority granted to the Parents, the following specific issues are submitted to the PC for decision: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 11. ROLE OF PARENTING COORDINATOR. a. Decisions: The PC shall decide any issue set forth in paragraph 7 within the scope of his/her authority by an appropriate dispute resolution method. During this process, the PC may coach and educate the parents about ways to better communicate about the child(ren) and about child(ren) development issues. b. Recommendations: PC-3 (rev. 10/2014) District 11 � Parent Coordinator American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 4 (1) The PC may recommend to the court that the parents participate in any of the following interventions: a. Therapy, recognizing that couples' counseling is not appropriate in cases involving domestic violence; b. Treatment programs, including batterer's intervention courses; mediation; c. Custody/parent time evaluation; d. Programs for high conflict parents, anger management, etc.; and e. Interventions for minor child(ren) including the appointment of an attorney or therapy. (2) The PC may recommend changes in parents' PC's decision making power to better accommodate the needs of the parties or their children that may arise during the parenting coordination if the PC believes the current order is not in the child(ren)'s best interest. (3) Any recommendations shall be submitted to the court in writing with copies to each parent and attorneys involved in the case. The judge shall determine whether a modification is necessary to implement recommendations of the PC within two (2) weeks. (4) Resolutions. The primary role of the PC is to assist the parties in working out disagreements about the child(ren) in a way that minimizes conflict. If the parties are able to resolve any matters through mutual agreement, the PC shall make a decision whether to adopt that resolution as a decision, if the agreement falls within the purview of paragraph 7. If the adopted agreement does not fall within paragraph 7, then the PC shall set the agreement forth as a recommendation. 12. APPOINTMENTS WITH THE PARENTING COORDINATOR. a. The PC may set a time and place for a brief information meeting. b. Future appointments with the PC may be scheduled at the request of either parent by telephone or in person with no written notice required. Each parent shall make a good faith effort to be available for appointments when requested by the other parent or the PC. c. The PC shall notify the court, with copies to the parties and/or their attorneys, if either party refuses to cooperate. d. The parent shall provide all records, documentation and information requested by the PC within fifteen (15) calendar days of the request. The PC may not request materials subject to attorney/client privilege, and may not require the release of documents protected by law except upon proper consent and release by the parties or by the court. 13. COMMUNICATION. a. The PC shall send written summaries of each meeting to all parties and their attorneys. b. The PC may communicate ex