Request To Set Landlord Tenant Case
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Request To Set Landlord Tenant Case Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Mecklenburg (District 26) Local County.
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Tags: Request To Set Landlord Tenant Case, CCF-53, North Carolina Local County, Mecklenburg (District 26)
Request to Set Landlord Tenant Case
State of North Carolina
Mecklenburg County
In the General Court
District Court Division
Case No. _______CVD____________
Jury: Issue(s) to be submitted _______________________________________
If a jury trial is requested a pretrial memorandum must be submitted to the Trial Court Administrator’s
Office by the Wednesday prior to the start of the session.
Estimated length of trial _________
It is requested that the following action be taken:
The case is a standard Summary Ejectment action and a request to have the matter set for hearing is
being made.
All issues have been joined
All discovery will be complete prior to trial
The case is entitled to priority setting in accordance with G.S. 42-34(a)
The case is a tenant’s complaint based on an alleged violation of the housing code of the City of
Charlotte or the housing code of Mecklenburg County, or the case is a summary ejectment action in
which the tenant has raised a defense or counterclaim based upon a violation of one of the aforesaid
housing codes.
All issues have been joined
All discovery will be complete prior to trial
The case is entitled to priority setting in accordance with G.S. 42-34(a)
The case is brought pursuant to the Expedited Eviction of Drug Traffickers Act, G.S. Chapter 42
Article 7 and should receive an expedited setting in accordance with G.S. Section 42-68(1).
Set as a hearing on motion for injunction pursuant to N.C.G.S. 42-70(e) or 42-74
Set at the next available calendar falling thirty days after service of the complaint on all
defendants or from service of notice of appeal, which date was _________________ , pursuant
to N.C.G.S. 42-68(1).
Phone Number
Copy to: ________________________________________
Attorney for
CCF-53 Rev 1-02
American LegalNet, Inc.