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Scheduling Order Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Mecklenburg (District 26) Local County.
Tags: Scheduling Order, CCF-23a, North Carolina Local County, Mecklenburg (District 26)
In The General Court of Justice
Superior Court Division
Mecklenburg County
Pursuant to N. C. Gen. Stat. ∋ 1A-1, Rules 16 and 26, the Court enters the following Scheduling Order to govern
discovery and trial of this case. This Order is entered under the Chamber’s jurisdiction of the Court and without notice
or hearing, as neither is necessary. It may be amended after notice and hearing or with a Consent Order. Litigants shall
know and follow the local rules of the 26th Judicial District, which are available for viewing at or
This case shall be set for trial on
«NJ_Date» (the “trial date”).
The plaintiff(s) shall identify all expert witnesses who may be called to testify at trial 180 days before the trial
date. The identification shall conform with the requirements of G. S. § 1A-1, Rule 26 (b) (4). Thereafter, the
plaintiff(s) shall make any expert witnesses identified under this paragraph available for deposition at mutually
convenient times and places. The defendant(s) shall pay the costs of taking such depositions, including a reasonable fee
to the expert witness for the deposition.
The defendant(s) shall identify all expert witnesses who may be called to testify at trial 150 days before the trial
date. The identification shall conform with the requirements of G. S. § 1A-1, Rule 26 (b) (4). Thereafter, the
defendant(s) shall make these witnesses available for deposition at mutually convenient times and places. The
plaintiff(s) shall pay the costs of all such depositions, including a reasonable fee to the expert witness for the deposition.
Plaintiff shall identify any rebuttal expert witness, or disclose additional rebuttal opinions, 15 days after
defendant's identification of expert witness(es). Defendant shall identify any rebuttal expert witness, or disclose
additional rebuttal opinions, 15 days after such disclosure by plaintiff.
All written discovery requests shall be served no later than 120 days before the trial date. Requests for
Admissions shall be served no later than 60 days before trial.
A mediation shall be conducted unless the parties have moved the court to order a form of alternative dispute
resolution other than mediation. Mediation must be completed no later than 90 days before the trial date. The actual
ADR deadline will be assigned at the time the Order for ADR (CCF-14) is issued. The parties may by consent conduct
more than one mediation session before that date.
The parties shall identify all material witnesses who are expected to testify at a trial no later than 90 days before
the trial date. Any witness not identified by that date will be subject to exclusion from trial by the presiding judge.
All discovery and depositions, except Requests for Admissions, shall be complete no later than 60 days before
the trial date.
All dispositive motions shall be filed no later than 60 days before the trial date and heard no later than 30 days
before trial..
10. Trial exhibits and witness lists shall be exchanged no later than seven days before the trial date. Other
requirements of Rule 7 of the General Rules of Practice need not be met, although the parties may agree upon a Pretrial
11. Failure to comply with the deadlines set forth in this Scheduling Order will result in the exclusion of evidence or
witnesses not timely disclosed, absent a showing of excusable neglect for the noncompliance. The parties may, by
consent, extend or alter any of the deadlines set forth in this Scheduling Order except the mediation deadline, the filing
and hearing of dispositive motions and the trial date. Prior to the pertinent deadline, the parties may for good cause
move for relief from any deadline in this Scheduling Order. The pendency of discovery ordinarily shall not be an
adequate cause for a continuance of the trial.
12. Any party may request a peremptory trial setting. Such requests should be made within thirty (30) days of the
date of this Order to the Trial Court Administrator's Office. Later requests may be based on changed circumstances or
new information.
Robert P. Johnston
Senior Resident Superior Court Judge
American LegalNet, Inc.