Stipulation For Selection Of Neutral
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Stipulation For Selection Of Neutral Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Mecklenburg (District 26) Local County.
Tags: Stipulation For Selection Of Neutral, CCF-15, North Carolina Local County, Mecklenburg (District 26)
NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION MECKLENBURG COUNTY _____-CVS-________ __________________________, ) ) P laintiff, ) ) v. ) ) ___________________________, ) ) D efendant. ) STIPULATION FOR SELECTION OF NEUTRAL Pursuant to theR ules for Alternative Dispute Resolution Proceedings In the Superior Courts of the 26th Judicial District, the parties to this action, and other persons having authority to settle this case, hereby agree to stipulate to the selection of a Neutral to serve in the ADR proceeding previously selected by the parties. The parties have selected the following to serve as Neutral in accordance wiRuthle ts: he Name: _________________________________________________________ A statement of the selected individuals qualifications is attached hereto. It is the opinion of the parties that this individual is qualified to hear the issues in this case and the parties request that the court approve the selection of this individual for service in this case. NEUTRAL STIPULATIONS FOR MEDIATED SETTLEMENT CON FERENCE ACTIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED ON STATE FORM AOC-CV-812 Plaintiff(s): D efendant(s): Name: ______________________ Name: ___________________ Signature: ______________________ Signature: ___________________ Name: ______________________ Name: ___________________ Signature: ______________________ Signature: ___________________ FORM NO. CCF-15 Original-File Copy-Plaintiff Copy-Defendant