District Court Calendar Request And Scheduling Notice Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
District Court Calendar Request And Scheduling Notice Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in New Hanover (District 5) Local County.
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Tags: District Court Calendar Request And Scheduling Notice, North Carolina Local County, New Hanover (District 5)
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF _______________ _____________________________ Plaintiff VS. _____________________________ Defendant _______CVD ___________ GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION DISTRICT COURT CALENDAR REQUEST AND SCHEDULING NOTICE Comes now the [ ] Plaintiff [ ] Defendant and requests that the Trial Court Coordinator / Case Manager set this matter upon a calendar as follows: [ ] For the setting of the following matter on a Motion Calendar [ ] Motion to Dismiss [ ] Motion for Summary Judgment [ ] Motion for Default Judgment [ ] Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings [ ] Motion to Compel or Limit Discovery [ ] Injunctive Relief [ ] Other ____________________________________________________________ I request that this matter be set on a Trial Calendar as follows: [ ] CIVIL NON-JURY calendar OR [ ] CIVIL JURY calendar [ ] DIVORCE CALENDAR [ ] SMALL CLAIMS APPEAL [ ] ARBITRATION APPEAL [ ] OTHER: _________________________________________________________ I request that the matter be set on the following date. I know of no conflicts for either party which would prevent the trial of the matter on this date. Date requested: Time required for hearing: [ ] The following special circumstances should be considered in setting the matter: [ ] This matter must be heard by Judge ______________ because: [ ] This matter should be given peremptory setting because: [ ] Other: Names and address of parties upon whom copies of this notice has been served: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ This _____ day of ____________, _______ Name and address of requesting party: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Telephone: __________________________ New Hanover County: Divorces: Case Manager: Sherri H. Turner Ste. 328/PHONE: (910) 772-7101 or FAX: (910) 772-6613; New Hanover County/Pender County: Divorces and General Civil: TCC: Lee Alexander - Ste. 328, /PHONE: (910) 772-7101 or FAX: (910) 772-6613 Original to clerk, one copy to Case Manager, One copy to each party Calendar Request Revised 09/27/2012 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com