Superior Civil Court Calendar Request
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Superior Civil Court Calendar Request Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Randolph (District 19B) Local County.
Tags: Superior Civil Court Calendar Request, North Carolina Local County, Randolph (District 19B)
RANDOLPH COUNTY SUPERIOR CIVIL COURT CALENDAR REQUEST FILE # TYPE of Hearing: NAME OF MOTION: PLAINTIFF(S) vs. DEFENDANT(S) *If opposing counsel cannot be ready during the term thereof, notice must be given to the undersigned and to: Robin Jones, Trial Court Coordinator in Judge Long's Office at 336-328-3199 or email immediately. ATTORNEY Certification of Readiness: REQUEST TO CALENDAR MOTION: I hereby certify that I am prepared to ATTEND the SESSION for the above-calendared MOTION and that I have served those listed below with a copy of this request. This day of , 20. Attorney for (Plaintiff/Defendant) COPY TO: (Must show service on pro se parties/opposing counsel.) 1. ORIGINAL Randolph County Clerk of Superior Court, 176 E. Salisbury Street, Suite 405, Asheboro, NC 27203 2. COPY Robin Jones, Trial Court Coordinator, (fax 336-328-3185 OR email or mail to Randolph County Courthouse, 176 E. Salisbury Street, Suite 405, Asheboro, NC 27203 3. Attorney for 4. Attorney for Pro Se: (name/address) Pro Se: (name/address) CERTIFICATE OF READINESS (for TRIALS only): I HEREBY CERTIFY: (a) All motions existing of record this date have been heard or otherwise disposed of or may be disposed of without delay of trial. (b) I know of no procedural matters which would delay the trial of the case when called for trial. (c) I know of no parties or witnesses desired that will not be available on the trial date. (d) I know of no current reason that would cause me to move for continuance, I am ready for trial. This day of , 20. Attorney for (Plaintiff/Defendant) ****TE RM**** BEGINNING: , 20 (Must be completed) EST. TIME : Minutes : Hours: Days : JURY TRIAL NON - JURY TRIAL MOTION American LegalNet, Inc.