Pre-Trial Conference Order (Non-Equitable Distribution Cases)
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Pre-Trial Conference Order (Non-Equitable Distribution Cases) Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Stanly, Union (District 20B) Local County.
Tags: Pre-Trial Conference Order (Non-Equitable Distribution Cases), 10, North Carolina Local County, Stanly, Union (District 20B)
FORM # 10 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE 20A JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT DIVISION COUNTY OF CASE NUMBER , ) Plaintiff ) v. ) ) PRE TRIAL CONFERENCE ORDER , ) (NON-EQUITALBLE DISTRIBUTION CASES) Defendant ) THIS CAUSE, coming on to be heard and being heard before the Presiding District Court Judge assigned to this cause, upon the partie WHEREAS it appearing that the Plaintiff and Defendant were present and represented by counsel and voluntarily executed this pretrial conference order and agreed to the following: I. A) There are no further pre-trial matters to be addressed and the case is ready for trial. This matter shall be scheduled for trial on the day of 19, at am / pm without further notice. B) The issues to be tried are as follows: . C) The parties shall notify the Court if they have settled by . D) The final formal pre-trial Order shall be submitted by the Plaintiff by . II. There are further per-trial matters to be addressed; therefore, it is hereby directed, as follows: A) The parties shall exchange their witness list/exhibit list by . B) All discovery shall be completed by . C) The affidavits of financial standing will be exchanged . D) Any stipulations shall be filed by . E) F) The next Pre-Trial Conference shall be on . G) A formal Pre-Trial Order shall be submitted by the Plaintiff by . This the day of , . PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT DISTRICT COURT JUDGE American LegalNet, Inc.