Stipulation For Expedited Mediation
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Stipulation For Expedited Mediation Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Stanly, Union (District 20B) Local County.
Tags: Stipulation For Expedited Mediation, Form Med-D, North Carolina Local County, Stanly, Union (District 20B)
Form Med-D NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT DIVISION File No. -CVD- ) Plaintiff ) ) STIPULATION FOR ) EXPEDITED MEDIATION vs. ) ) ) ) Defendant ) The Plaintiff and Defendant, by and through their attorneys of record, hereby stipulate that the parties waive the normal 45-day waiting period as set out in Rule 5 of the MANDATORY CHILD CUSTODY AND VISITATION MEDIATION RULES for the 20A Judicial District and request that mediation be expedited. Date Date Attorneys, please call 704-986-7087 to notify the Mediator of this request. THE CUSTODY MEDIATO American LegalNet, Inc.