Order To Continue
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Order To Continue Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Wake (District 10) Local County.
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Tags: Order To Continue, WAKE-DOM-20c, North Carolina Local County, Wake (District 10)
NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO. Assigned Judge: , Plaintiff, v. , Defendant. ORDER TO CONTINUE _______________________________ (specify type of trial/hearing) THIS CAUSE being heard before the undersigned District Court Judge presiding upon the motion Plaintiff Defendant for a continuance. The motion to continue is: of DENIED. at ALLOWED for good cause shown. This matter shall be rescheduled for _____________ in Courtroom for an estimated time of . This the day of ______________, 20 . _________________________________________________ DISTRICT COURT JUDGE WAKE-DOM-20C Page 1 of 2 (Rev. 01/17) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a copy of this Order to Continue has been served on the opposing party/counsel in the following manner: By depositing a copy in the US Mail in a properly addressed, postpaid envelope to: By hand delivery to: By facsimile to: Other: FAX No. Date: Plaintiff Attorney for Plaintiff _________ Defendant Attorney for Defendant WAKE-DOM-20C Page 2 of 2 (Rev. 01/17) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com