Trial Calendar Request For Six Months Calendar Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Trial Calendar Request For Six Months Calendar Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Wake (District 10) Local County.
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Tags: Trial Calendar Request For Six Months Calendar, North Carolina Local County, Wake (District 10)
WAKE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT TRIAL CALENDAR REQUEST FOR SIX-MONTHS CALENDAR __________________________________________ NUMBER:____________________ __________________________________________ Plaintiff CASE JURY NON-JURY vs. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Defendant NATURE OF CASE: Contract Land Dispute Negligence Will Contest Special Proceeding Appeal Other (Specify)_________________ Set the above matter for trial. I estimate the time of trial to be _________ days/hours. Opposing counsel and I have conferred and agreed that the following trial term dates are satisfactory to all counsel: Terms beginning __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Opposing counsel and I have not conferred and agreed, however, the following trial dates are satisfactory to me: Terms beginning __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ I cannot be available for trial during the following periods of time: __________________________ __________________________ to to __________________________ ___________________________ This ______ day of ______________________, 20____. _________________________________ (Firm) By: ______________________________ _______________________________ Please print or type name COPY TO:: AND TO: Trial Court Administrator, Post Office Box 1916, Raleigh, NC 27602 (Give address if out-of-town attorney or no attorney) ____________________________________ Attorney for __________________________________ ____________________________________ Attorney for __________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc.