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NORTH CAROLINA ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL COMMISSION Location: 400 EAST TRYON ROAD RALEIGH NC 27610 (919) 779-0700 MAIL TO ADDRESS ON BACK OF FORM HOW TO APPLY FOR AN ABC RETAIL PERMIT I. INSTRUCTIONS A. B. C. Complete this application in its entirety. It must be signed and notarized. The correct fee(s) must accompany the application. Payment must be by a certified check, cashier's check or money order and made payable to the North Carolina ABC Commission. Include one (1) completed fingerprint card for each person participating in the business who is required to submit an application. A required fingerprint-processing fee of $38.00 per person may be added with the permit fee in a single check. Include a copy of the lease or rental agreement, or a copy of the registered deed, specifying the applicant(s) as lessee/owner. This document must include the address or property description of the business. The lease/rental agreement must include the effective beginning date and term of the agreement. Submit a completed Local Government Opinion Form (Form 001) signed by the appropriate official. Submit a completed Inspection/Zoning Compliance Form (Form 002) signed by the appropriate officials. Submit a completed Proof of Alcohol Seller/Server Training Form. Include appropriate Recycling Form (on premise malt beverage, fortified wine, unfortified wine and mixed beverage applicants only.) Include a detailed diagram of the premises � (Mixed Beverage applicants only.) The following additional documents are required for: 1. RESTAURANTS AND HOTELS applying for on premise fortified wine, brownbagging restaurant and/or mixed beverages. a. A copy of the food menu. b. The price list of common or popular mixed beverages. c. Photographs that show the following: (l) The front exterior of the premises. (2) All the dining areas, including patios and outdoor areas, where alcoholic beverages may be sold or consumed. (3) The bars, counters and mixing stations. (4) The storage area(s) for alcoholic beverages. (5) The entire kitchen with all equipment. 2. EATING ESTABLISHMENTS applying for an on premise unfortified wine permit must submit a copy of the food menu. 3. PRIVATE CLUBS a. A copy of the membership card or certificate. b. A copy of the membership application form. c. A copy of the written policy on granting full and limited memberships. d. A copy of the written policy on use of facilities by guests. e. A copy of the charter, constitution and by-laws, if any. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. II. WHO MUST FILE A. Individual Ownership � The individual owner of the business is required to file an application. B. General Partnership Ownership � Each partner is required to file a separate application. American LegalNet, Inc. C1. Corporation Not Holding A Permit In This State � Each 25% or more stockholder, and each officer (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) must file separate applications. (NOTE: Articles of Incorporation must be submitted, which includes documentation to support ownership as outlined above.) C2. Corporation Currently Holding A Permit In This State And Applying At An Additional Location � Only an officer or manager is required to file an application. D1. Limited Liability Company (LLC) Not Holding A Permit In This State � If member managed, all members owning a 25% or greater interest must file; or, if no one owns a 25% interest, the managing members must file. If manager managed, the person or persons acting as manager(s) on behalf of the LLC must file, in addition to any member who owns a 25% or greater interest in the company. (NOTE: Articles of Organization must be submitted, which includes documentation to support ownership as outlined above, and if manager managed, must also submit copy of Operating Agreement.) D2. Limited Liability Company (LLC) Currently Holding A Permit In This State And Applying For A Permit At An Additional Location � Only an officer or site manager is required to file an application. E. Limited Partnership � The general partner(s) is required to file. F. In addition: Corporations, LLC's And Limited Partnerships � 1. When applying for permits allowing on premise consumption, a NC resident must file as manager/site manager. 2. Indicate name and address of registered agent and office. (Section H on the application.) G. Non-Residents (Individual or Partnership) � Each non-resident individual or partnership shall file as required above. In addition, a resident manager shall be appointed by the non-resident applicant as attorney-in-fact for the business. This manager shall also complete the required application. A certified copy of an executed power-of-attorney, which shall be registered in the county where the proposed licensed premises is located, shall be submitted with the application. III. PERMIT RENEWAL All Mixed Beverage, all Brownbagging, Special Occasion, Brew on Premises, Wine Shipper Packager, Wine Shop, Wine Tasting, Winemaking on Premises, and Malt Beverage Tasting permits expire on April 30 of each year. Paying the renewal fee by April 30 may renew permits. Notices are mailed to permittees during the month of February. The permittee is responsible for renewing the permit, and failure to receive a notice is not justification for being allowed to retain the permit beyond April 30. Permits not renewed by April 30 will be cancelled. After April 30, should new permits be desired, a new application must be submitted and the full fee paid. Application and renewal fees are not prorated. IV. PERMIT REGISTRATION/INSPECTION FEE All on and off premise malt beverage, fortified wine, and unfortified wine permittees must pay an annual Registration/Inspection Fee by May 1. Notices are mailed to permittees during the month of February. Registration fees are not prorated. American LegalNet, Inc. V. PERMIT FEES All application fees must be submitted by a certified check, cashier's check or money order, and made payable to the North Carolina ABC Commission. All fees are deposited with the State Treasurer, and no provisions are made for refunds whether the application is approved, rejected or withdrawn. TYPES OF PERMITS FEE REQUIRED $400.00** $400.00** $400.00** $1000.00* $1000.00* $1000.00* $1000.00* $1000.00* $1000.00* $1000.00* $1000.00* $200.00* $1000.00* $1000.00* $1000.00* $1000.00* $1000.00* $200.00* $400.00* $400.00* $400.00* $400.00* $400.00* $400.00* $200.00 $0 $100.00* $100.00* $100.00* $400.00* $1