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Civil Summons Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Civil Statewide.
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Tags: Civil Summons, CV-100, North Carolina Statewide, Civil
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CountyFile No. Name Of PlaintiffCity, State, ZipAddressName Of Defendant(s)Name And Address Of Defendant 1Name And Address Of Defendant 2Date(s) Subsequent Summons(es) IssuedDate Original Summons IssuedIn The General Court Of Justice District Superior Court DivisionCIVIL SUMMONS ALIAS AND PLURIES SUMMONS (ASSESS FEE)G.S. 1A-1, Rules 3 and 4To Each Of The Defendant(s) Named Below: VERSUS IMPORTANT! You have been sued! These papers are legal documents, DO NOT throw these papers out! You have to respond within 30 days. You may want to talk with a lawyer about your case as soon as possible, and, if needed, speak with someone who reads English and can translate these papers!241IMPORTANTE! 241Se ha entablado un proceso civil en su contra! Estos papeles son documentos legales. 241NO TIRE estos papeles! Tiene que contestar a m341s tardar en 30 d355as. 241Puede querer consultar con un abogado lo antes posible acerca de su caso y, de ser necesario, hablar con alguien que lea ingl351s y que pueda traducir estos documentos!A Civil Action Has Been Commenced Against You!ou are notied to appear and anser the coplaint of the plaintiff as follos1. Serve a copy of your ritten anser to the coplaint upon the plaintiff or plaintiffs attorney ithin thirty 3 days after you have een served. ou ay serve your anser y deliverin a copy to the plaintiff or y ailin it to the plaintiffs last non address, and. ile the oriinal of the ritten anser ith the Cler of Superior Court of the county naed aove.If you fail to anser the coplaint, the plaintiff ill apply to the Court for the relief deanded in the coplaint.NOTE TO PARTIES: Many counties have MANDATORY ARBITRATION programs in which most cases where the amount in controversy is $25,000 or less are heard by an arbitrator before a trial. The parties will be notified if this case is assigned for mandatory arbitration, and, if so, what procedure is to be followed.Over Name And Address Of Plaintiff222s Attorney (if none, Address Of Plaintiff)Date IssuedDate Of EndorsementSignatureSignatureTimeTime Deputy CSC Assistant CSC Clerk Of Superior Court Deputy CSC Assistant CSC Clerk Of Superior Court DORST ASSSS This Suons as oriinally issued on the date indicated aove and returned not served. At the reuest of the plaintiff, the tie ithin hich this Suons ust e served is etended sity days. AM PM AM PM AOC-CV-100, Rev. 4/18 018 Adinistrative Ofce of the Courts American LegalNet, Inc. RETURN OF SERVICE I certify that this Suons and a copy of the coplaint ere received and served as follos DEFENDANT 1 Date ServedName Of DefendantTime Served y deliverin to the defendant naed aove a copy of the suons and coplaint. y leavin a copy of the suons and coplaint at the dellin house or usual place of aode of the defendant naed aove ith a person of suitale ae and discretion then residin therein. As the defendant is a corporation, service as effected y deliverin a copy of the suons and coplaint to the person naed elo. Other anner of service (specify) Defendant AS OT served for the folloin reason Name And Address Of Person With Whom Copies Left (if corporation, give title of person copies left with) y deliverin to the defendant naed aove a copy of the suons and coplaint. y leavin a copy of the suons and coplaint at the dellin house or usual place of aode of the defendant naed aove ith a person of suitale ae and discretion then residin therein. As the defendant is a corporation, service as effected y deliverin a copy of the suons and coplaint to the person naed elo. Other anner of service (specify) Defendant AS OT served for the folloin reason Name And Address Of Person With Whom Copies Left (if corporation, give title of person copies left with) AM PM DEFENDANT 2 Date ServedName Of DefendantTime Served AM PMService Fee PaidDate ReceivedDate Of Return County Of SheriffName Of Sheriff (type or print)Signature Of Deputy Sheriff Making Return$ AOC-CV-100, Side Two, Rev. 4/18 018 Adinistrative Ofce of the Courts American LegalNet, Inc.