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Complaint And Motion For Domestic Violence Protective Order Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Civil Statewide.
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Tags: Complaint And Motion For Domestic Violence Protective Order, CV-303, North Carolina Statewide, Civil
INSTRUCTIONS FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE FORMS FORMS YOU NEED TO FILL OUT: I. Complaint And Motion For Domestic Violence Protective Order (AOC-CV-303) 1. You will need three (3) copies of this form. 2. Fill in: (a) Name of county; (b) Plaintiff's name - you are the plaintiff; (c) Defendant's name and address - a defendant is a spouse, former spouse, person of the opposite sex with whom you live or have lived as if married, your child or grandchild who is at least 16 years old, the mother or father of your child, a current or former household member, or a person of the opposite sex that you are dating or have dated; (d) hecktheblocksandfillintheblanksthatapplytoyou.Ifyouareafraidofadditionalactsofdomesticviolenceandyouwant C the judge/magistrate to act immediately, check block #2 at the bottom of page 2, asking for an Ex Parte Order. A request for an ExParteOrderwillbeheardsoonandwithoutgivingnoticetothedefendant.Ifamagistratehearsyourrequestforexparte relief, the magistrate's order is only good for a short period of time and a second temporary Ex Parte Order must be issued by thejudge.IfthejudgeissuesthetemporaryExParteOrder,anotherhearingwillbeheldafterthedefendantisgivennotice.If no Ex Parte Order is entered, a hearing will still be held after the defendant is given notice; (e) Date and sign the complaint on the back (above the verification section).Theverificationmustbesignedbeforeaclerkor notary; (f) Insomecountiesyoumaybeabletotakeittothemagistrate'sofficeonweekendsandevenings. 3. fyouorthedefendantisundertheageofeighteen(18)andnotmarried,youmustasktheclerkfortheformtoappointaguardian I adlitem(AOC-CV-318). II. Notice Of Hearing On Domestic Violence Protective Order (AOC-CV-305) 1. You will need three (3) copies of this form. 2. Fill in: (a) Name of county; (b) Plaintiff's name; (c) Defendant's name and address. 3. DO NOT fillouttheremainderofthisform. III. Ex Parte Domestic Violence Order Of Protection (AOC-CV-304) 1. You will need only one (1) copy of this form. 2. Fill in: (a) Name of county; (b) Plaintiff's name; (c) Defendant's name and address. 3. DO NOTfillouttheremainderofthisform. IV. Civil Summons Domestic Violence (AOC-CV-317) 1. You will need three (3) copies of this form. 2. Fill in: (a) Name of county; (b) Plaintiff's name and address. You may give an address where you want your mail to go, not necessarily where you are staying; (c) Defendant's name and address (under the block designated "Defendant"); (d) Defendant's name and address again in the block designated "Name and Address of Defendant." 3. DO NOTfillouttheremainderofthisform. AOC-CV-303 Instructions, Rev. 10/14 © 2014 Administrative Office of the Courts (Over) American LegalNet, Inc. V. IdentifyinginformationAboutDefendantDomesticViolenceAction(AOC-CV-312) 1. You will need only one (1) copy of this form. 2. Fill in all the information that you know. Be as complete and accurate as you can. 3. Leave blank any portion for which you do not have the information. 4. You may either: (a) turn in the completed form to the clerk or magistrate with the other papers, or (b) keep the form, get the needed information, and turn in the completed form to the judge or magistrate at the hearing. VI.AffidavitAsToStatusOfMinorChild(AOC-CV-609) 1. You do not need this form unless you are asking for temporary custody of the children. 2. You will need one (1) copy of this form for each minor child. 3. You must attach the completed form to the Complaint and give it to the clerk or magistrate with the other papers: (a) turn in the completed form to the clerk or magistrate with the other papers, or (b) keep the form, get the needed information, and turn in the completed form to the judge or magistrate at the hearing. TAKE ALL FORMS TO THE CLERK/MAGISTRATE FOR FURTHER DIRECTIONS. AOC-CV-303 Instructions, Side Two, Rev. 10/14 © 2014 Administrative Office of the Courts American LegalNet, Inc.