Complaint For Judicial Authorization For Underage Person To Marry
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Complaint For Judicial Authorization For Underage Person To Marry Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Civil Statewide.
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Tags: Complaint For Judicial Authorization For Underage Person To Marry, CV-120, North Carolina Statewide, Civil
File No. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA In The General Court Of Justice County District Court DivisionName And Address Of Plaintiff COMPLAINT FOR JUDICIAL VERSUS AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERAGE Name And Address Of Plaintiffs Father-Defendant 1 PERSON TO MARRY G.S. 51-2AName And Address Of Plaintiffs Mother-Defendant Name And Address Of Plaintiffs Legal Guardian Or Custodian-Defendant 32 I am an unmarried female who is 14 15 years of age as indicated below and am pregnant or have given birth to a child. The putative father and I have agreed to marry. I am an unmarried male who is 14 15 years of age as indicated below and am the putative father of a child either born or unborn. The childs mother and i have agreed to m
arry. My date of birth is . The name, address and date of birth of person I am seeking to marry are
stated bellow. Name And Address Of Person I Am Seeking To Marry Date of Birth Of Person I Am Seeking To Marry I am capable of assuming the responsibilities of marriage and the marria
ge will serve my best interest. I request that a judge authorize me to marry the person named above. I understand that the Clerk is required by G.S. 51-2A(b) to appoint an
attorney guardian ad litem for me and I request that this be done immediately. Date Signature Of Plaintiff ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD LITEM FOR MINOR PLAINTIFF TO THE ATTORNEY NAMED BELOW: You are appointed as guardian ad litem to participate in this civil acti
on on behalf of the plaintiff named above. Your duties as guardian ad litem in this action are set out in G.S. 51-2A(d)
and include the authority to obtain any information or reports, whether or not confidential, that you deem relevant to the c
ase. Name Of Attorney Appointed As Guardian Ad Litern Address Of Attorney Appointed AS Guardian Ad LitemTelephone No.Date Signature Deputy CSC Assistant CSC NOTE TO CLERK: Appoint an attorney as guardian ad litem immediately upon the filing of
the complaint. AOC-CV-120, New 10/01 2001 Administrative Office of the American LegalNet, Inc. Courts