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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County Name Of Plaintiff/Victim Address Of Plaintiff/Victim (Use alternative address if afraid to give physical address.) File No. In The General Court Of Justice District Court Division Name And Address Of Defendant/Respondent VERSUS PERMANENT CIVIL NO-CONTACT ORDER AGAINST SEX OFFENDER G.S. 50D-3, -5 FINDINGS This matter was heard by the undersigned district court judge, the court has jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter, and the defendant has been provided notice of the hearing. The Court hereby finds that: 1. (If this block is checked, skip to the Order portion of the Order.) This Order is entered by default for the remedy sought in the complaint because the defendant failed to file an answer appear at this hearing and the allegations in the complaint are sufficient to justify a permanent civil no-contact order against sex offender. 2. Present at the hearing were: the plaintiff, represented by the defendant, represented by 3. The plaintiff has been the victim of a sex offense committed by the defendant in that: . . 4. Other: CONCLUSIONS 1. The defendant was convicted of a sex offense requiring registration under Article 27A of Chapter 14 of the General Statutes. 2. The plaintiff did not seek a permanent no-contact order under G.S. 15A-1340.50. 3. Reasonable grounds exist for the plaintiff to fear future contact with the defendant. 4. Process was properly served on the defendant. 5. One of the following circumstances is present: a. The defendant answered the complaint and notice of hearing was given. b. The defendant failed to answer the complaint and is in default. 6. The Court finds conclusions 1 through 5 and a permanent civil no-contact order against sex offender shall be issued. 7. The Court finds conclusions 1 through 5, but a permanent civil no-contact order against sex offender shall not be issued at this time. 8. The plaintiff has failed to prove grounds for issuance of a permanent civil no-contact order against sex offender. ORDER It is ORDERED that: 1. The defendant shall not threaten, visit, assault, molest, or otherwise interfere with the plaintiff. 2. The defendant shall not follow the plaintiff, including at the plaintiff's workplace. 3. The defendant shall not harass the plaintiff. 4. The defendant shall not abuse or injure the plaintiff. 5. The defendant shall not contact the plaintiff by telephone, written communication, or electronic means. (Over) American LegalNet, Inc. AOC-CV-543, New 10/15 © 2015 Administrative Office of the Courts 6. The defendant shall not enter or remain present at the plaintiff's residence, school, place of employment, and other places listed below at times when the plaintiff is present. (List other places where defendant ordered not to be.) 7. Other: (specify) 8. The Order is denied and the case is dismissed. Date Time Name Of District Court Judge (type or print) AM PM Signature Of District Court Judge NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: A PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY VIOLATES A PERMANENT CIVIL NO-CONTACT ORDER AGAINST SEX OFFENDER IS GUILTY OF A CLASS A1 MISDEMEANOR. YOU SHALL BE ARRESTED AND TAKEN INTO CUSTODY IF A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER HAS PROBABLE CAUSE TO BELIEVE THAT YOU KNOWINGLY VIOLATED A PERMANENT CIVIL NO-CONTACT ORDER. A KNOWING VIOLATION OF A PERMANENT CIVIL NO-CONTACT ORDER AGAINST SEX OFFENDER IS PUNISHABLE AS CONTEMPT OF COURT, WHICH MAY RESULT IN A FINE OR IMPRISONMENT. THE COURT MAY FIND YOU IN CIVIL OR CRIMINAL CONTEMPT. CERTIFICATION I certify this Order is a true copy. Date Signature Of Clerk Deputy CSC Assistant CSC Clerk Of Superior Court NOTE TO CLERK: G.S. 50D-7(a) provides: "The clerk of court shall deliver, on the same day that a permanent civil no-contact order is issued, a certified copy of that order to the sheriff." G.S. 50D-7(c) provides that a copy of the order shall be issued promptly to the police department of the municipality of the victim's residence, or the sheriff and any county police department if the victim does not live within a municipality with a police department. RETURN/CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE WHEN DEFENDANT NOT PRESENT AT HEARING I certify that this Permanent Civil No-Contact Order Against Sex Offender was received and served as follows: Date Served Time Served AM PM Name Of Defendant By delivering to the defendant named above a copy of this Order and the summons (if not previously served on the defendant). By leaving a copy of this Order and the summons (if not previously served on the defendant) at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the defendant named above with a person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein. Name And Address Of Person With Whom Copies Left By mailing a copy of this Order and the summons (if not previously served on the defendant) to the defendant by: registered mail. certified mail (return receipt). designated delivery service. Other manner of service: (specify) Defendant WAS NOT served for the following reason: Date Received Date Of Return Date Mailed Signature Of Deputy Sheriff Making Return Name Of Deputy Sheriff Making Return (type or print) Signature Of Clerk Deputy CSC Assistant CSC Clerk Of Superior Court County Of Deputy Sheriff Making Return NOTE TO CLERK: G.S. 50D-7(b) provides: "If the [defendant] was not present in court when the order was issued, the [defendant] may be served in the manner provided for service of process in civil proceedings in accordance with Rule 4(j) of the Rules of Civil Procedure. If the summons has not yet been served upon the [defendant], it shall be served with the order." AOC-CV-543, Side Two, New 10/15 © 2015 Administrative Office of the Courts American LegalNet, Inc.