Request And Affidavit To Register And Registration Of Out Of State Domestic Violence Protective Order
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Request And Affidavit To Register And Registration Of Out Of State Domestic Violence Protective Order Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Civil Statewide.
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Tags: Request And Affidavit To Register And Registration Of Out Of State Domestic Violence Protective Order, CV-315, North Carolina Statewide, Civil
File No. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA In The General Court Of Justice County District Court DivisionName Of Plaintiff REQUEST AND AFFIDAVIT TO REGISTER VERSUS AND REGISTRATION OF OUT-OF-STATE Name And Address Of Defendant DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROTECTIVE ORDER G.S. 50B-4(d) REQUEST 1. As a person protected by a domestic violence protective order issued in a state other than North Carolina or issued by an Indian tribe, I wish to register the attached protective order in North Carolina. (Attach a copy of the protective order to this Request.) [NOTE: The order does not have to be certified.] 2. To the best of my knowledge, the protective order attached is presently in effect as written. Date SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME Date Signature Of Petitioner Signature Deputy CSC Assistant CSC Clerk Of Superior Court REGISTRATION ORDER The attached out-of-state protective order entered by (name court) on (give date) has been received for the purpose of registration and is hereby registered in the State of North Carolina. Date Signature Deputy CSC Assistant CSC Clerk of Superior Court NOTE TO CLERK: Have petitioner complete a copy of "Identifying Information About Defendant Domestic Violence Action," AOC-CV-312. Send the original of CV-312 and a copy of this Request and Registration and a copy of the out-of-state order to the sheriff of your county, who must enter it into the NCIC system. NOTE TO CLERK: DO NOT MAIL COPIES OF THIS FORM TO THE DEFENDANT. AOC-CV-315, Rev. 11/02 (See INSTRUCTIONS on Reverse) 2002 Administrative Office of the Courts >>>> 2 Instructions To Person Seeking To Register An Out-Of-State Protective Order 1. You do not have to register an out-of-state protective order in this State in order to have it enforced. However, should you wish to register the order, you may do so. If the order is registered in North Carolina, it will be entered on the Domestic Violence Registry and be available to law enforcement officers throughout the state. 2. You must attach a copy of the order issued in the other state to this form. The copy need not be certified. 3. You must state under oath that the order is presently in effect as written. You meet this requirement by signing this form and swearing to it before a Clerk of Superior Court. 4. There are no costs for registering this order. 5. When you file this request with the Clerk, the Clerk will send a copy to the sheriff who will enter it onto the Domestic Violence Protective Order Registry if it has not been entered by the state originally granting the order. No notice of registration will be sent to the defendant in the case. 6. If the defendant violates the protective order, you may file a motion to have the Clerk issue a show cause order to have a hearing where a judge will determine whether to hold the defendant in contempt or you may seek the issuance of criminal process from a magistrate because under North Carolina law it is a crime to violate a protective order. 7. You also must fill out "Identifying Information About Defendant Domestic Violence Action," AOC-CV-312, and give it to the Clerk when you file this Request for Registration.AOC-CV-315, Side Two, Rev. 11/02 2002 Administrative Office of the Courts