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Worksheet B Child Support Obligation Joint Or Shared Physical Custody Form. This is a North Carolina form and can be use in Civil Statewide.
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Tags: Worksheet B Child Support Obligation Joint Or Shared Physical Custody, CV-628, North Carolina Statewide, Civil
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County File No. Case No. (Code) IV-D Case No. UIFSA Case No. In The General Court Of Justice District Superior Court Division Civil: Criminal: Name Of Defendant Plaintiff STATE VERSUS WORKSHEET B CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATION JOINT OR SHARED PHYSICAL CUSTODY Date Of Birth Children G.S. 50-13.4(c) Children Date Of Birth STOP is less than 123, in which case shared physical custody does not apply (and see Worksheet A, AOC-CV-627). Stop here if the number of overnights with either parent Plaintiff $ _ _ $ % Defendant $ _ _ $ % Combined 1. MONTHLY GROSS INCOME a. Minus pre-existing child support payment b. Minus responsibility for other children 2. MONTHLY ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME 3. PERCENTAGE SHARE OF INCOME (line 2 for each 4. BASIC CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATION (apply line 2 parent's income, divided by Combined income) Combined to the Schedule of Basic Support Obligations see AOC-A-162, Rev. 1/15) 5. SHARED CUSTODY BASIC OBLIGATION (multiply line 4 by 1.5) $ $ $ $ $ 6. EACH PARENT'S PORTION OF SHARED CUSTODY SUPPORT OBLIGATION (line 3 × line 5 for each parent) 7. OVERNIGHTS WITH EACH PARENT (Combined must 8. PERCENTAGE WITH EACH PARENT (line 7 divided by total 365 × total number of children) 365 × total number of children) % % 9. SUPPORT OBLIGATION FOR TIME WITH OTHER PARENT (line 6 × other parent's line 8) 10. ADJUSTMENTS (expenses paid directly by each parent) a. Work-related child care costs b. Health Insurance premium costs - child's/children's portion only (total premium ÷ # of persons covered × # of children subject to order = children's portion) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ c. Extraordinary expenses d. Total Adjustments (for each column, add 10a, 10b, and 11. EACH PARENT'S FAIR SHARE OF ADJUSTMENTS (line 12. ADJUSTMENTS PAID IN EXCESS OF FAIR SHARE (line 13. EACH PARENT'S ADJUSTED SUPPORT OBLIGATION 14. RECOMMENDED CHILD SUPPORT ORDER (subtract Date Prepared By (type or print) 10c. Add two totals for Combined amount) 10d Combined × line 3 for each parent) 10d minus line 11. If negative number, enter zero) (line 9 minus line 12) lesser amount from greater amount in line 13 and enter result directly under greater amount) (NOTE: This form may be used in both civil and criminal cases.) (Over) AOC-CV-628, Rev. 1/15 © 2015 Administrative Office of the Courts American LegalNet, Inc. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING CHILD SUPPORT WORKSHEET B PARENTS WITH JOINT OR SHARED CUSTODY Worksheet B should be used when the parents share joint physical custody of at least one of the child(ren) for whom support is sought. Legal custody of the child(ren) is not relevant with respect to this determination. Worksheet B should be used if one parent has sole legal custody but, in fact, the parents exercise joint physical custody of the child(ren) as defined below. On the other hand, the worksheet should not be used simply because the parents share joint legal custody of the child(ren). Joint physical custody is defined as custody for at least one-third of the year (more than 122 overnights per year) - not one-third of a shorter period of time, e.g., one-third of a particular month. For example, child support would not be abated merely because the child spends an entire month with one parent during the summer. Worksheet B should be used only if both parents have custody of the child(ren) for at least one-third of the year and the situation involves a true sharing of expenses, rather than extended visitation with one parent that exceeds 122 overnights. Parents share custody of a child if the child lives with each parent for at least 123 nights during the year and each parent assumes financial responsibility for the child's expenses during the time the child lives with that parent. A parent does not have shared custody of a child when that parent has visitation rights that allow the child to spend less than 123 nights per year with the parent and the other parent has primary physical custody of the child. Split custody refers to cases in which one parent has primary custody of the other child or children. Child support computations for shared and split custody are determined without regard to whether a parent has primary, shared, or joint legal custody of a child. In cases involving joint or shared physical custody, the basic child support obligation is multiplied by 1.5 to take into account the increased cost of maintaining two primary homes for the child(ren). Each parent's child support obligation is calculated based on the percentage of time that the child(ren) spends/spend with the other parent. The support obligations of both parents are then offset against each other, and the parent with the higher support obligation pays the difference between the two amounts. Lines 1 through 4 of Worksheet B are calculated in the same manner as lines 1 through 4 of Worksheet A. Multiply line 4 by 1.5 and enter the result on line 5. On line 6, multiply line 5 by each parent's percentage share of income (line 3) and enter the result under the appropriate column for each parent. On lines 7 and 8, enter the number of nights the child(ren) spend with each parent during the year and calculate the percentage of total overnights spent with each parent. If at least one of the children does not spend at least 123 overnights with each parent, Worksheet B should not be used. The total number of nights should equal 365 times the total number of children. On line 9, multiply plaintiff's line 6 by defendant's line 8 and enter the result under the column for plaintiff, then multiply defendant's line 6 by plaintiff's line 8 and enter the result under the column for defendant. Lines 10a through 10d of Worksheet B are calculated in the same manner as lines 5a through 5d of Worksheet A. On line 11, multiply line 10d (Combined) by line 3 for each parent and enter the result under the column for that parent. Subtract line 11 from line 10d for each parent and enter the result on line 12 (if negative, enter zero). Subtract line 12 from line 9 for each parent and enter the result on line 13 under the appropriate column. In some cases, the result may be a negative number. If the result is negative, enter it as a negative number on line 13, not as a positive number or as a zero. If plaintiff's line 13 is greater than defendant's line 13, enter the difference between these two amounts on line 14 under plaintiff's column and leave defendant's column blank. If defendant's line 13 is greater than pla